2100000 2199999 2109101 Acta Cryst. Section B 2200000 2299999 2244245 Acta Cryst. Section E 2000000 2099999 2023345 Acta Cryst. Section C 1000000 1999999 1573689 other journals 2300000 2309999 2300744 J. Appl. Cryst. 4000000 4019999 4004098 Chemistry of Materials 4020000 4059999 4039027 Journal of Organic Chemistry 4060000 4099999 4089721 Organometallics 4100000 4299999 4135644 JACS 4300000 4499999 4350824 Inorganic Chemistry 5000000 5001999 5000429 Reciprocal Net 5900000 5999999 5910355 historic structures 6000000 6199999 6000785 structures from REFs w/o coord. 7700000 7999999 7717810 Dalton Trans. 7050000 7099999 7063606 New Journal of Chemistry 7100000 7149999 7134167 Chem. Comm. 7150000 7199999 7160334 Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 8000000 8099999 8000567 Chemistry Letters 9000000 9999999 9017926 AMCSD 2310000 2319999 2312738 Acta Crystallographica 8100000 8199999 8107721 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 7200000 7699999 7249773 other RSC journals 4500000 4999999 4519492 other ACS journals 3000000 3499999 3000583 prepublication web depositions 3500000 3999999 3500139 personal communications to COD