1 IUCr International Union of Crystallography 10.1107 http://www.iucr.org/ 2 RSC Royal Society of Chemistry 10.1039 http://www.rsc.org/ 3 ACS American Chemical Society 10.1021 http://www.acs.org/ 4 Elsevier Elsevier 10.1016 http://www.elsevier.com/ 5 CCAAS Canadian Center of Academic Art and Science 10.5618 http://www.ccaasmag.org/ 6 BMC BioMed Central 10.1186 http://www.biomedcentral.com/ 7 MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute 10.3390 http://www.mdpi.com/ 8 Beilstein Beilstein Institut 10.3762 http://www.beilstein-institut.de/ 9 JSAC The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry \N http://www.jsac.or.jp/indexeng.html 10 Wiley Wiley \N http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/ 11 VZN Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung \N http://www.znaturforsch.com/publ.htm 12 ESP European Society for Photobiology \N http://www.esp-photobiology.it/ 13 CSJ The Chemical Society of Japan \N https://www.csj.jp/index-e.html 14 Hanser Carl Hanser Verlag \N http://www.hanser.de/ 15 ARdB Académie royale de Belgique \N http://www.academieroyale.be/ 16 FACS Förlagsföreningen "Acta Chemica Scandinavica" (Dänemark) 10.3891 http://actachemscand.dk/ 17 De Gruyter De Gruyter Oldenbourg 10.1515 http://www.degruyter.com/ 18 GTV Georg Thieme Verlag 10.1055 https://www.thieme.de/ 19 T&F Taylor & Francis Group \N http://taylorandfrancisgroup.com/ 20 \N Trans Tech Publications Ltd. 10.4028 http://www.scientific.net/ 21 GSW GeoScienceWorld \N http://www.geoscienceworld.org/