#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #$Date: 2012-02-28 14:14:52 +0200 (Tue, 28 Feb 2012) $ #$Revision: 35911 $ #$URL: file:///home/coder/svn-repositories/cod/cif/1/00/03/1000322.cif $ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # This file is available in the Crystallography Open Database (COD), # http://www.crystallography.net/ # # All data on this site have been placed in the public domain by the # contributors. # data_1000322 _chemical_name_systematic ; Tetragallium tris(phosphate) difluoride dihydroxide dihydrate ; _chemical_formula_structural 'Ga4 (P O4)3 F2 (O H)2 (H2 O)2' _chemical_formula_analytical ; Ga4 (P O4)3 F2 (O H)2 (H2 O)2 (N (C H2 C H2)3 N)0.5 ; _chemical_formula_sum 'F2 Ga4 H6 O16 P3' _[local]_cod_chemical_formula_sum_orig 'H6 F2 Ga4 O16 P3' _publ_section_title ; Oxyfluorinated microporous compounds: III. Synthesis and crystal structure of a new gallophosphate: Ga~4~P~3~O~12~F~2~(OH)~2~(H~2~O)~2~, 0.5 DABCO ; _space_group_IT_number 88 _symmetry_space_group_name_Hall '-I 4ad' _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'I 41/a :2' _[local]_cod_cif_authors_sg_H-M 'I 41/a Z' loop_ _publ_author_name 'Loiseau, T' 'Ferey, G' _journal_name_full ; European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry ; _journal_coden_ASTM EJSCE5 _journal_volume 30 _journal_year 1993 _journal_page_first 369 _journal_page_last 381 _cell_length_a 13.455(1) _cell_length_b 13.455(1) _cell_length_c 18.902(1) _cell_angle_alpha 90 _cell_angle_beta 90 _cell_angle_gamma 90 _cell_volume 3422.0 _cell_formula_units_Z 8 _symmetry_cell_setting tetragonal loop_ _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz 'x,y,z' '-x,1/2-y,z' '3/4-y,1/4+x,1/4+z' '1/4+y,1/4-x,1/4+z' '-x,-y,-z' 'x,1/2+y,-z' '1/4+y,3/4-x,3/4-z' '3/4-y,3/4+x,3/4-z' '1/2+x,1/2+y,1/2+z' '1/2-x,-y,1/2+z' '1/4-y,3/4+x,3/4+z' '3/4+y,3/4-x,3/4+z' '1/2-x,1/2-y,1/2-z' '1/2+x,y,1/2-z' '3/4+y,1/4-x,1/4-z' '1/4-y,1/4+x,1/4-z' loop_ _atom_type_symbol _atom_type_oxidation_number Ga3+ 3.000 P5+ 5.000 F1- -1.000 O2- -2.000 H1+ 1.000 loop_ _atom_site_label _atom_site_type_symbol _atom_site_symmetry_multiplicity _atom_site_Wyckoff_symbol _atom_site_fract_x _atom_site_fract_y _atom_site_fract_z _atom_site_occupancy _atom_site_attached_hydrogens _atom_site_calc_flag Ga1 Ga3+ 16 f 0.7010(1) 0.3632(1) 0.0918(1) 1. 0 d Ga2 Ga3+ 16 f 0.6921(1) 0.1330(1) 0.1685(1) 1. 0 d P1 P5+ 16 f 0.2646(1) 0.4979(1) 0.0383(1) 1. 0 d P2 P5+ 8 e 0. 0.25 0.8827(1) 1. 0 d F1 F1- 16 f 0.3374(3) 0.9145(3) 0.5862(2) 1. 0 d O1 O2- 16 f 0.1676(3) 0.0656(3) 0.4150(2) 1. 0 d O2 O2- 16 f 0.3096(3) 0.0734(3) 0.4989(2) 1. 0 d O3 O2- 16 f 0.2929(3) 0.9247(3) 0.7178(2) 1. 0 d O4 O2- 16 f 0.1681(3) 0.9520(3) 0.5154(2) 1. 0 d O5 O2- 16 f 0.5572(3) 0.6783(3) 0.3345(2) 1. 0 d O6 O2- 16 f 0.4293(3) 0.6908(3) 0.4306(2) 1. 0 d O7 O2- 16 f 0.2459(3) 0.7610(3) 0.6580(2) 1. 0 d O8 O2- 16 f 0.2506(4) 0.7685(3) 0.5095(3) 1. 2 d H1 H1+ 16 f 0.226 0.819 0.625 1. 0 d H2 H1+ 16 f -1. -1. -1. 2. 0 dum loop_ _atom_site_aniso_label _atom_site_aniso_U_11 _atom_site_aniso_U_12 _atom_site_aniso_U_13 _atom_site_aniso_U_22 _atom_site_aniso_U_23 _atom_site_aniso_U_33 Ga1 0.0094(3) -0.0017(2) 0.0004(2) 0.0076(3) 0.0007(2) 0.0099(3) Ga2 0.0104(3) 0.0009(2) 0.0008(2) 0.0069(2) 0.0003(2) 0.0089(3) P1 0.0087(5) -0.0005(4) -0.0011(4) 0.0089(5) 0.0005(4) 0.0080(5) P2 0.0077(7) 0.0003(6) 0. 0.0075(7) 0. 0.0099(7) F1 0.0117(14) -0.0018(11) 0.0014(13) 0.0127(15) 0.0034(13) 0.0210(17) O1 0.0120(17) 0.0038(13) -0.0012(13) 0.0139(17) 0.0039(14) 0.0117(17) O2 0.020(2) -0.0027(14) -0.0072(15) 0.0110(17) 0.0019(14) 0.0131(17) O3 0.0146(17) 0.0001(13) 0.0036(13) 0.0105(16) -0.0018(13) 0.0116(16) O4 0.0136(17) -0.0004(13) 0.0011(3) 0.0133(17) 0.0041(13) 0.0095(15) O5 0.0192(19) 0.0061(14) 0.0014(15) 0.0108(17) -0.0004(14) 0.0137(18) O6 0.0170(19) -0.0065(15) 0.0054(15) 0.0114(17) -0.0024(14) 0.0167(18) O7 0.0138(17) -0.0022(13) -0.0014(14) 0.0095(16) 0.0007(14) 0.0192(19) O8 0.0312(26) .0000(17) 0.0139(19) 0.0128(19) -0.0018(17) 0.0223(22) _refine_ls_R_factor_all 0.043 _cod_database_code 1000322