#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #$Date: 2015-10-10 07:29:05 +0300 (Sat, 10 Oct 2015) $ #$Revision: 164952 $ #$URL: file:///home/coder/svn-repositories/cod/cif/1/53/70/1537008.cif $ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # This file is available in the Crystallography Open Database (COD), # http://www.crystallography.net/ # # All data on this site have been placed in the public domain by the # contributors. # data_1537008 loop_ _publ_author_name 'Reiser, S.' 'Nilges, T.' 'Pfitzner, A.' _publ_section_title ; (Cu Br)3 P4 Se4: a low symmetric variant of the (Cu I)3 P4 Se4 structure type ; _journal_name_full 'Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie' _journal_page_first 563 _journal_page_last 568 _journal_volume 629 _journal_year 2003 _chemical_formula_sum 'Br3 Cu3 P4 Se4' _chemical_name_systematic '(Cu Br)3 (P4 Se4)' _space_group_IT_number 4 _symmetry_space_group_name_Hall 'P 2yb' _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P 1 21 1' _cell_angle_alpha 90 _cell_angle_beta 90.192 _cell_angle_gamma 90 _cell_formula_units_Z 12 _cell_length_a 33.6265 _cell_length_b 6.4023 _cell_length_c 19.0593 _cell_volume 4103.195 _citation_journal_id_ASTM ZAACAB _cod_data_source_file Reiser_ZAACAB_2003_897.cif _cod_data_source_block Br3Cu3P4Se4 _cod_database_code 1537008 loop_ _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz x,y,z -x,y+1/2,-z loop_ _atom_site_label _atom_site_type_symbol _atom_site_fract_x _atom_site_fract_y _atom_site_fract_z _atom_site_occupancy _atom_site_U_iso_or_equiv Br9 Br-1 0.24976 0.1339 0.37793 1 0.0 Cu10 Cu+1 0.5331 0.7515 0.17244 1 0.0 Cu4 Cu+1 0.26472 0.0354 0.12502 1 0.0 Se4 Se 0.4784 0.0461 0.46393 1 0.0 Br1 Br-1 0.53342 0.1442 0.18066 1 0.0 Cu17 Cu+1 0.31851 0.5307 0.20232 1 0.0 Cu7 Cu+1 0.92973 0.2612 0.12621 1 0.0 Se9 Se 0.11787 0.4701 0.38034 1 0.0 Br6 Br-1 0.6535 0.1202 0.19851 1 0.0 Cu6 Cu+1 0.19158 0.048 0.30369 1 0.0 Br4 Br-1 0.31496 0.629 0.32474 1 0.0 P17 P 0.46932 0.1926 0.35815 1 0.0 Se19 Se 0.44076 0.9991 0.10743 1 0.0 P12 P 0.14087 0.6309 0.1228 1 0.0 Br18 Br-1 0.85966 0.6603 0.30019 1 0.0 Se15 Se 0.80287 0.5369 0.02082 1 0.0 Cu13 Cu+1 0.98485 0.7476 0.19953 1 0.0 Cu5 Cu+1 0.52606 0.2504 0.30202 1 0.0 Se16 Se 0.76348 0.5499 0.19768 1 0.0 P7 P 0.73941 0.6043 -0.01095 1 0.0 P20 P 0.36807 0.0968 0.37921 1 0.0 Cu8 Cu+1 0.59793 0.2365 0.12565 1 0.0 P6 P 0.07273 0.6589 -0.01458 1 0.0 Se10 Se 0.77562 0.5023 0.39834 1 0.0 Se1 Se 0.03117 -0.0446 0.47783 1 0.0 Br7 Br-1 0.91616 0.1495 0.37633 1 0.0 P3 P 0.41993 0.129 0.51617 1 0.0 P23 P 0.03317 0.1499 0.3777 1 0.0 P5 P 0.40605 0.6362 -0.01448 1 0.0 P1 P 0.75301 0.0917 0.51454 1 0.0 Cu3 Cu+1 0.58195 0.7305 0.37259 1 0.0 P19 P 0.70522 0.6249 0.1429 1 0.0 Se8 Se 0.08011 0.0088 0.30772 1 0.0 P24 P 0.06382 0.3958 0.44104 1 0.0 Se20 Se 0.37408 -0.106 0.4767 1 0.0 P14 P 0.13582 0.1329 0.35825 1 0.0 Cu15 Cu+1 0.65139 0.7232 0.20245 1 0.0 P4 P 0.38976 0.3587 0.44655 1 0.0 P11 P 0.80238 0.1996 0.3583 1 0.0 P13 P 0.06062 0.8963 0.06837 1 0.0 P2 P 0.08386 0.1477 0.51633 1 0.0 Br15 Br-1 0.58208 0.1267 0.37653 1 0.0 Br3 Br-1 0.20337 0.1588 0.18315 1 0.0 Cu16 Cu+1 0.19895 0.5478 0.16965 1 0.0 Br2 Br-1 0.6474 0.6225 0.32486 1 0.0 Se17 Se 0.02544 0.459 0.03805 1 0.0 Cu9 Cu+1 0.85915 0.2654 0.30302 1 0.0 P21 P 0.70094 0.1301 0.378 1 0.0 Se14 Se 0.43256 0.5172 0.19147 1 0.0 Br11 Br-1 0.32128 0.1288 0.19744 1 0.0 Br10 Br-1 0.98663 0.1448 0.19587 1 0.0 Cu1 Cu+1 0.91641 0.7547 0.37264 1 0.0 P15 P 0.47442 0.694 0.12119 1 0.0 Cu2 Cu+1 0.24865 0.5331 0.37077 1 0.0 Se11 Se 0.75016 0.0581 0.3016 1 0.0 Cu11 Cu+1 0.86522 0.7686 0.17601 1 0.0 Se21 Se 0.3679 0.3923 0.04048 1 0.0 Se12 Se 0.09173 0.4981 0.18918 1 0.0 Se7 Se 0.46989 0.5593 0.01262 1 0.0 P8 P 0.72578 0.3561 0.45569 1 0.0 Br17 Br-1 0.92739 0.6548 0.12311 1 0.0 Br8 Br-1 0.98124 0.6463 0.3222 1 0.0 P18 P 0.03768 0.6433 0.1382 1 0.0 P9 P 0.71957 0.8608 0.06038 1 0.0 Cu12 Cu+1 0.64514 0.2273 0.32305 1 0.0 Se2 Se 0.13895 0.0053 0.46845 1 0.0 Se23 Se 0.11955 0.9706 0.11317 1 0.0 P10 P 0.38488 0.8566 0.06769 1 0.0 Cu18 Cu+1 0.97871 0.2515 0.32012 1 0.0 Br16 Br-1 0.59557 0.6308 0.12212 1 0.0 Br12 Br-1 0.52633 0.6445 0.29687 1 0.0 Se22 Se 0.77495 1.007 0.099 1 0.0 Br14 Br-1 0.26378 0.6376 0.12025 1 0.0 Br13 Br-1 0.19656 0.6585 0.29415 1 0.0 Se18 Se 0.69792 0.3946 0.05249 1 0.0 Se24 Se 0.70416 -0.1095 0.46556 1 0.0 Se13 Se 0.41852 0.0257 0.305 1 0.0 Se5 Se 0.43948 0.5002 0.38761 1 0.0 P22 P 0.37355 0.5886 0.13966 1 0.0 Se3 Se 0.81096 0.0208 0.45921 1 0.0 Cu14 Cu+1 0.31157 0.0298 0.32142 1 0.0 P16 P 0.80688 0.7031 0.1248 1 0.0 Br5 Br-1 0.86567 0.1626 0.18101 1 0.0 Se6 Se 0.13238 0.518 0.01254 1 0.0