#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #$Date: 2009-11-16 03:43:51 +0200 (Mon, 16 Nov 2009) $ #$Revision: 853 $ #$URL: file:///home/coder/svn-repositories/cod/cif/2/2000098.cif $ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # This file is available in the Crystallography Open Database (COD), # http://www.crystallography.net/ # # All data on this site have been placed in the public domain by the # contributors. # data_2000098 _chemical_formula_sum 'C29 H25 Co2 N5 O4 P2' _journal_volume 64 _journal_year 1999 _journal_page_first 3492 _journal_name_full 'J.Org.Chem.' _space_group_IT_number 14 _symmetry_space_group_name_Hall '-P 2yab' _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P 1 21/a 1' _[local]_cod_cif_authors_sg_H-M 'P 21/a' loop_ _publ_author_name "Y.Gimbert" "F.Robert" "A.Durif" "M.-T.Averbuch" "N.Kann" "A.E.Greene" _cell_volume 3139.049 _exptl_crystal_colour 'dark red' _exptl_crystal_density_diffrn 1.45 _diffrn_ambient_temperature ? _refine_ls_R_factor_gt 0.021 _refine_ls_wR_factor_gt 0.021 _symmetry_cell_setting monoclinic loop_ _symmetry_equiv_pos_site_id _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz 1 x,y,z 2 1/2-x,1/2+y,-z 3 -x,-y,-z 4 -1/2+x,-1/2-y,z _cell_length_a 14.148(4) _cell_length_b 13.928(4) _cell_length_c 17.126(3) _cell_angle_alpha 90 _cell_angle_beta 111.54(2) _cell_angle_gamma 90 _cell_formula_units_Z 4 loop_ _atom_type_symbol _atom_type_radius_bond C 0.68 H 0.23 Co 1.33 N 0.68 O 0.68 P 1.05 loop_ _atom_site_label _atom_site_type_symbol _atom_site_fract_x _atom_site_fract_y _atom_site_fract_z Co1 Co 0.10692(3) 0.05204(3) 0.18453(2) Co2 Co 0.22063(3) 0.01804(3) 0.32724(2) P1 P 0.20813(6) 0.14613(6) 0.15261(5) P2 P 0.35159(6) 0.07153(6) 0.30553(5) O1 O 0.0963(2) -0.1424(2) 0.1192(2) O2 O -0.0841(2) 0.1262(2) 0.0687(1) O3 O 0.2274(2) -0.1909(2) 0.3207(2) O4 O 0.2710(2) 0.0447(2) 0.5052(1) N1 N 0.3268(2) 0.1471(2) 0.2239(1) N2 N 0.1780(2) 0.2660(2) 0.1458(1) N3 N 0.2208(2) 0.1367(2) 0.0586(1) N4 N 0.4417(2) 0.1327(2) 0.3843(1) N5 N 0.4303(2) -0.0109(2) 0.2863(2) C1 C 0.4079(2) 0.2068(2) 0.2123(2) C2 C 0.4174(3) 0.1980(3) 0.4355(2) C3 C 0.5043(4) 0.2404(3) 0.4846(2) C4 C 0.5830(3) 0.2046(3) 0.4661(3) C5 C 0.5450(3) 0.1398(3) 0.4057(2) C6 C 0.4289(3) -0.0383(3) 0.2099(2) C7 C 0.4833(3) -0.1215(3) 0.2197(3) C8 C 0.5157(3) -0.1466(3) 0.3031(3) C9 C 0.4826(2) -0.0807(3) 0.3439(2) C10 C 0.2177(2) 0.0510(3) 0.0189(2) C11 C 0.2435(3) 0.0632(3) -0.0481(2) C12 C 0.2644(3) 0.1601(3) -0.0520(2) C13 C 0.2511(3) 0.2042(3) 0.0120(2) C14 C 0.2076(2) 0.3310(2) 0.2106(2) C15 C 0.1480(3) 0.4089(2) 0.1860(2) C16 C 0.0781(3) 0.3924(3) 0.1067(2) C17 C 0.0952(2) 0.3053(2) 0.0824(2) C18 C 0.1226(2) 0.1204(2) 0.2870(2) C19 C 0.0730(2) 0.0395(2) 0.2846(2) C20 C -0.0091(2) -0.0021(2) 0.3055(2) C21 C -0.0403(2) 0.0405(2) 0.3638(2) C22 C -0.1183(3) 0.0016(3) 0.3847(2) C23 C -0.1661(2) -0.0802(2) 0.3471(2) C24 C -0.1358(3) -0.1232(2) 0.2893(2) C25 C -0.0588(2) -0.0844(2) 0.2685(2) C26 C 0.1021(2) -0.0654(2) 0.1428(2) C27 C -0.0088(2) 0.0963(2) 0.1134(2) C28 C 0.2286(2) -0.1101(2) 0.3232(2) C29 C 0.2534(2) 0.0328(3) 0.4351(2) H1 H 0.42960 0.24720 0.25210 H2 H 0.46120 0.17340 0.21440 H3 H 0.39120 0.22940 0.16310 H4 H 0.35240 0.20400 0.42850 H5 H 0.49940 0.28340 0.52170 H6 H 0.64900 0.21390 0.49070 H7 H 0.57430 0.10210 0.37530 H8 H 0.39760 -0.00680 0.16140 H9 H 0.48050 -0.14980 0.17090 H10 H 0.55690 -0.19570 0.32620 H11 H 0.49140 -0.07780 0.40060 H12 H 0.24420 0.01090 -0.08270 H13 H 0.28460 0.18980 -0.08560 H14 H 0.25740 0.26570 0.03210 H15 H 0.19940 -0.00300 0.03700 H16 H 0.26010 0.31720 0.25920 H17 H 0.15730 0.45730 0.22320 H18 H 0.02620 0.43090 0.07470 H19 H 0.06690 0.27050 0.03030 H20 H 0.12370 0.18250 0.30320 H21 H -0.00350 0.09250 0.39280 H22 H -0.13440 0.03110 0.42440 H23 H -0.21560 -0.10520 0.36670 H24 H -0.16940 -0.18250 0.26050 H25 H -0.04050 -0.11250 0.22990