#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #$Date: 2010-01-30 15:59:17 +0200 (Sat, 30 Jan 2010) $ #$Revision: 966 $ #$URL: file:///home/coder/svn-repositories/cod/cif/2/2004092.cif $ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # This file is available in the Crystallography Open Database (COD), # http://www.crystallography.net/ # # All data on this site have been placed in the public domain by the # contributors. # data_2004092 _journal_name_full 'Acta Crystallographica C' _journal_volume 51 _journal_year 1995 _journal_page_first 2271 _journal_page_last 2273 _publ_section_title ; Bis[bis(triphenylphosphoranylidene)ammonium] Bis[cyanodithiocarbimatogold(I)], [PPN]~2~[Au~2~(S~2~CNCN)~2~] ; _chemical_formula_moiety 'C76 H60 Au2 N6 P4 S4' _chemical_formula_sum 'C76 H60 Au2 N6 P4 S4' _chemical_formula_weight 1703.43 _symmetry_cell_setting triclinic loop_ _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz 'x,y,z' '-x,-y,-z' _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P -1' _cell_length_a 11.416(1) _cell_length_b 11.749(1) _cell_length_c 14.501(1) _cell_angle_alpha 105.08(1) _cell_angle_beta 109.83(1) _cell_angle_gamma 95.33(1) _cell_volume 1731.1(4) _cell_formula_units_Z 1 _exptl_crystal_density_diffrn 1.624 _cell_measurement_temperature 293 loop_ _atom_site_label _atom_site_fract_x _atom_site_fract_y _atom_site_fract_z _atom_site_U_iso_or_equiv Au(1) .5137(1) .8899(1) .0195(1) .043(1) S(1) .4882(2) .9483(1) .1734(1) .052(1) S(2) 0.4570(2) 1.1924(2) .1301(1) .068(1) P(1) .0036(1) .8859(1) .2361(1) .031(1) P(2) -.1414(1) .6570(1) .2232(1) .034(1) N(1) .4287(4) 1.1245(4) .2822(3) .050(2) N(2) .3848(7) 1.3220(6) .3507(5) .091(4) N(3) -.1133(4) .7905(4) .2224(3) .038(2) C(1) .4559(5) 1.0914(5) .1984(4) .042(2) C(2) .4063(6) 1.2327(6) .3137(5) .059(3) C(10) .0275(4) .8698(4) .1175(4) .035(2) C(11) .1237(5) .9459(5) .1120(4) .047(2) C(12) .1388(6) .9314(6) .0197(5) .056(3) C(13) .0598(7) .8411(6) -.0674(5) .062(3) C(14) -.0377(7) .7685(6) -.0648(5) .070(3) C(15) -.0533(6) .7822(5) .0293(4) .056(3) C(20) -.0288(5) 1.0343(4) .2780(4) .036(2) C(21) .0694(5) 1.1333(5) .3291(4) .049(2) C(22) .0421(7) 1.2469(5) .3544(5) .063(3) C(23) -.0802(7) 1.2611(6) .3297(5) .062(3) C(24) -.1781(6) 1.1636(5) .2799(5) .061(3) C(25) -.1528(5) 1.0499(5) .2534(5) .047(3) C(30) .1513(5) .8852(5) .3330(4) .039(2) C(31) .2561(5) .8587(6) .3100(5) .061(3) C(32) .3679(6) .8608(8) .3884(7) .086(4) C(33) .3773(7) .8852(7) .4854(6) .087(4) C(34) .2731(8) .9127(6) .5126(5) .083(4) C(35) .1606(6) .9114(6) .4346(4) .060(3) C(40) -.2321(5) .5554(4) .0955(4) .038(2) C(41) -.2184(6) .4372(5) .0659(4) .051(3) C(42) -.2942(7) .3603(6) -.0324(5) .066(3) C(43) -.3806(7) .4032(6) -.0988(5) .071(3) C(44) -.3969(6) .5206(6) -.0706(5) .067(3) C(45) -.3217(5) .5954(5) .0280(4) .050(3) C(50) -.2390(4) .6491(5) .2971(4) .037(2) C(51) -.2552(5) .7514(5) .3580(4) .049(3) C(52) -.3292(6) .7440(7) .4154(5) .066(3) C(53) -.3884(6) .6341(7) .4101(5) .071(3) C(54) -.3722(6) .5314(7) .3476(5) .069(3) C(55) -.2986(5) .5358(6) .2903(4) .052(3) C(60) -.0022(5) .6014(4) .2798(4) .045(2) C(61) .0762(6) .5680(6) .2264(6) .065(3) C(62) .1914(6) .5375(6) .2769(7) .076(4) C(63) .2273(6) .5432(6) .3784(7) .076(4) C(64) .1528(7) .5768(6) .4314(6) .079(4) C(65) .0385(5) .6064(5) .3830(5) .055(3) H(11) .1798 1.0088 .1727 .057 H(12) .2050 .9847 .0162 .067 H(13) .0739 .8292 -.1306 .074 H(14) -.0956 .7084 -.1267 .084 H(15) -.1210 .7298 .0319 .067 H(21) .1560 1.1234 .3470 .059 H(22) .1101 1.3161 .3897 .076 H(23) -.0981 1.3403 .3474 .075 H(24) -.2643 1.1744 .2635 .073 H(25) -.2216 .9814 .2179 .056 H(31) .2511 .8389 .2401 .073 H(32) .4406 .8443 .3721 .103 H(33) .4556 .8840 .5376 .104 H(34) .2799 .9320 .5830 .100 H(35) .0883 .9286 .4511 .072 H(41) -.1566 .4081 .1131 .061 H(42) -.2856 .2780 -.0530 .079 H(43) -.4315 .3506 -.1669 .086 H(44) -.4585 .5497 -.1179 .080 H(45) -.3327 .6768 .0492 .061 H(51) -.2151 .8286 .3611 .059 H(52) -.3392 .8162 .4592 .080 H(53) -.4405 .6288 .4493 .085 H(54) -.4134 .4545 .3441 .083 H(55) -.2885 .4635 .2469 .062 H(61) .0518 .5660 .1557 .078 H(62) .2452 .5124 .2402 .091 H(63) .3068 .5229 .4124 .091 H(64) .1792 .5803 .5025 .094 H(65) -.0139 .6307 .4213 .066 _cod_database_code 2004092