#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #$Date: 2011-09-17 23:27:16 +0300 (Sat, 17 Sep 2011) $ #$Revision: 26029 $ #$URL: file:///home/coder/svn-repositories/cod/cif/2/2005893.cif $ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # This file is available in the Crystallography Open Database (COD), # http://www.crystallography.net/ # # All data on this site have been placed in the public domain by the # contributors. # data_2005893 _publ_section_title ; 5-(4-Fluorophenyl)-1,8-dimethyl-2-(p-toluoylaminomethyl)-2,3-dihydro- 1H-1,4-benzodiazepine Monohydrate ; _journal_name_full 'Acta Crystallographica C' _journal_page_first 95 _journal_page_last 97 _journal_volume 53 _journal_year 1997 _chemical_formula_moiety 'C26 H26 F1 N3 O1, H2 O1' _chemical_formula_sum 'C26 H28 F N3 O2' _chemical_formula_weight 433.51 _space_group_IT_number 14 _symmetry_cell_setting monoclinic _symmetry_space_group_name_Hall '-P 2yn' _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P 1 21/n 1' _cell_angle_alpha 90.00 _cell_angle_beta 100.236(3) _cell_angle_gamma 90.00 _cell_formula_units_Z 8 _cell_length_a 13.6293(6) _cell_length_b 10.364(1) _cell_length_c 33.859(2) _cell_measurement_temperature 293 _cell_volume 4706.5(5) _exptl_crystal_density_diffrn 1.224 _[local]_cod_cif_authors_sg_H-M 'P 21/n' _[local]_cod_chemical_formula_sum_orig 'C26 H28 N3 O2 F1' _cod_depositor_comments ; The following automatic conversions were performed: '_symmetry_cell_setting' value 'Monoclinic' changed to 'monoclinic' according to '/home/saulius/struct/CIF-dictionaries/cif_core.dic' dictionary named 'cif_core.dic' version 2.4.1 from 2010-06-29. Automatic conversion script Id: cif_fix_enum 1527 2010-12-29 10:47:43Z saulius ; _cod_database_code 2005893 loop_ _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz X,Y,Z -X,-Y,-Z 1/2-X,1/2+Y,1/2-Z 1/2+X,1/2-Y,1/2+Z loop_ _atom_site_label _atom_site_fract_x _atom_site_fract_y _atom_site_fract_z _atom_site_U_iso_or_equiv N1A .8237(3) .1517(5) .3396(1) .057(2) C2A .8589(4) .0719(5) .3090(2) .056(2) C3A .9139(4) -.0472(6) .3261(2) .061(2) N4A 1.0132(3) -.0207(5) .3487(1) .059(2) C5A 1.0160(4) .0308(5) .3837(2) .053(2) C5AA .9283(4) .0653(5) .4014(2) .053(2) C6A .9363(4) .0472(6) .4432(2) .061(2) C7A .8614(4) .0773(6) .4633(2) .065(2) C8A .7753(4) .1342(5) .4438(2) .054(2) C8MA .6931(5) .1693(7) .4654(2) .079(3) C9A .7646(4) .1535(5) .4029(2) .052(2) C9AA .8394(4) .1203(5) .3806(1) .048(2) C10A .7361(4) .2291(6) .3233(2) .076(3) C11A .9204(4) .1572(6) .2858(2) .061(2) N12A .9535(3) .0902(5) .2528(1) .064(2) C13A .8925(4) .0692(6) .2175(2) .055(2) O14A .8054(3) .1058(4) .2115(1) .071(2) C15A .9370(4) -.0016(5) .1867(1) .050(2) C16A .8905(4) .0097(6) .1472(2) .061(2) C17A .9299(5) -.0491(6) .1168(2) .069(2) C18A 1.0161(5) -.1220(6) .1255(2) .065(2) C19A 1.0614(4) -.1352(6) .1650(2) .066(2) C20A 1.0228(4) -.0756(6) .1954(2) .065(2) C21A 1.0607(5) -.1852(6) .0922(2) .090(3) C1'A 1.1184(4) .0501(5) .4078(2) .054(2) C2'A 1.1911(4) -.0420(6) .4058(2) .059(2) C3'A 1.2860(4) -.0284(6) .4282(2) .065(2) C4'A 1.3064(4) .0769(6) .4521(2) .063(2) F4'A 1.3994(2) .0893(4) .4741(1) .089(1) C5'A 1.2381(4) .1712(6) .4543(2) .070(2) C6'A 1.1425(4) .1568(6) .4324(2) .066(2) N1B 1.2520(3) .6483(4) .3380(1) .058(2) C2B 1.1903(4) .5692(5) .3071(1) .053(2) C3B 1.1482(4) .4494(6) .3240(2) .059(2) N4B 1.0687(3) .4779(4) .3462(1) .058(2) C5B 1.0969(4) .5274(5) .3813(2) .052(2) C5AB 1.2003(4) .5611(5) .3996(1) .047(2) C6B 1.2281(4) .5382(5) .4408(1) .056(2) C7B 1.3207(4) .5701(5) .4618(2) .059(2) C8B 1.3888(4) .6303(5) .4428(2) .055(2) C8MB 1.4893(4) .6693(7) .4648(2) .079(3) C9B 1.3645(4) .6508(5) .4016(1) .051(2) C9AB 1.2720(3) .6174(5) .3789(1) .046(2) C10B 1.3249(4) .7268(6) .3219(2) .074(2) C11B 1.1088(4) .6545(6) .2839(2) .060(2) N12B 1.0473(3) .5881(4) .2504(1) .060(2) C13B 1.0788(4) .5640(5) .2159(2) .055(2) O14B 1.1623(3) .5992(4) .2104(1) .069(2) C15B 1.0072(4) .4933(5) .1843(1) .050(2) C16B 1.0219(4) .5063(6) .1451(2) .060(2) C17B .9569(5) .4478(6) .1141(2) .068(2) C18B .8772(5) .3785(6) .1214(2) .068(3) C19B .8637(4) .3641(6) .1606(2) .067(2) C20B .9283(4) .4224(6) .1922(2) .061(2) C21B .8032(5) .3155(6) .0881(2) .090(3) C1'B 1.0172(4) .5478(5) .4057(2) .053(2) C2'B .9423(4) .4589(6) .4044(2) .065(2) C3'B .8686(4) .4740(7) .4279(2) .072(2) C4'B .8735(5) .5808(7) .4521(2) .071(3) F4'B .8002(3) .5933(4) .4744(1) .098(2) C5'B .9438(5) .6710(7) .4535(2) .077(3) C6'B 1.0172(4) .6551(6) .4304(2) .071(2) O1W .8842(3) .5053(5) .2876(1) .092(2) O2W 1.1473(3) .0041(5) .2904(1) .095(2) H2A .7999(4) .0433(5) .2901(2) .069 H3A1 .8750(4) -.0902(6) .3436(2) .076 H3A2 .9197(4) -.1059(6) .3043(2) .076 H6A .9952(4) .0133(6) .4575(2) .077 H7A .8687(4) .0592(6) .4906(2) .081 H8M1 .7200(6) .187(4) .4930(3) .118 H8M2 .647(2) .099(2) .464(1) .118 H8M3 .659(2) .244(2) .4532(8) .118 H9A .7057(4) .1899(5) .3895(2) .065 H10A .733(2) .240(3) .2950(3) .114 H10B .741(1) .312(1) .3361(9) .114 H10C .6771(5) .186(2) .328(1) .114 H11A .8806(4) .2313(6) .2752(2) .076 H11B .9783(4) .1889(6) .3041(2) .076 H12A 1.0140(3) .0631(5) .2559(1) .080 H16A .8320(4) .0574(6) .1409(2) .077 H17A .8982(5) -.0395(6) .0903(2) .086 H19A 1.1188(4) -.1850(6) .1713(2) .082 H20A 1.0547(4) -.0852(6) .2219(2) .081 H21A 1.033(3) -.270(2) .087(1) .135 H21B 1.1317(6) -.191(4) .1002(6) .135 H21C 1.045(3) -.134(2) .0682(4) .135 H2'A 1.1760(4) -.1136(6) .3893(2) .074 H3'A 1.3348(4) -.0902(6) .4269(2) .082 H5'A 1.2551(4) .2438(6) .4702(2) .088 H6'A 1.0944(4) .2191(6) .4341(2) .082 H2B 1.2328(4) .5405(5) .2883(1) .067 H3B1 1.1229(4) .3913(6) .3021(2) .074 H3B2 1.2017(4) .4053(6) .3416(2) .074 H6B 1.1822(4) .4999(5) .4545(1) .071 H7B 1.3373(4) .5508(5) .4891(2) .074 H8M4 1.529(1) .5936(7) .472(1) .118 H8M5 1.4821(5) .716(3) .4886(7) .118 H8M6 1.521(1) .723(3) .4479(5) .118 H9B 1.4119(4) .6883(5) .3885(1) .064 H10D 1.302(1) .740(3) .2937(3) .112 H10E 1.3880(9) .683(2) .326(1) .112 H10F 1.332(2) .809(2) .3354(8) .112 H11C 1.0665(4) .6854(6) .3021(2) .075 H11D 1.1394(4) .7291(6) .2737(2) .075 H12B .9884(3) .5635(4) .2530(1) .075 H16B 1.0755(4) .5543(6) .1395(2) .074 H17B .9680(5) .4560(6) .0879(2) .085 H19B .8107(4) .3149(6) .1661(2) .084 H20B .9177(4) .4131(6) .2185(2) .076 H21D .7366(5) .330(4) .0927(8) .136 H21E .816(2) .2245(9) .0877(9) .136 H21F .810(2) .352(3) .0627(2) .136 H2'B .9406(4) .3874(6) .3877(2) .081 H3'B .8178(4) .4137(7) .4271(2) .090 H5'B .9436(5) .7434(7) .4697(2) .096 H6'B 1.0671(4) .7168(6) .4315(2) .089 H1WA .8206(3) .5804(5) .2886(1) .115 H1WB .9274(3) .5007(5) .3216(1) .115 H2WA 1.2148(3) .0605(5) .2951(1) .119 H2WB 1.1143(3) .0010(5) .3165(1) .119