#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #$Date: 2013-01-18 12:43:08 +0200 (Fri, 18 Jan 2013) $ #$Revision: 71116 $ #$URL: file:///home/coder/svn-repositories/cod/cif/2/01/87/2018706.cif $ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # This file is available in the Crystallography Open Database (COD), # http://www.crystallography.net/. The original data for this entry # were provided by IUCr Journals, http://journals.iucr.org/. # # The file may be used within the scientific community so long as # proper attribution is given to the journal article from which the # data were obtained. # data_2018706 loop_ _publ_author_name 'Vranec, Peter' 'Poto\2sigma(I) _iucr_refine_instructions_details ; TITL IV CELL 0.71073 7.3980 7.6612 8.4536 72.400 76.797 84.615 ZERR 2.00 0.0004 0.0005 0.0004 0.005 0.005 0.005 LATT 1 SFAC C H N O CL UNIT 18 14 2 2 4 MERG 2 OMIT -2.00 53.00 FMAP 2 PLAN 10 ACTA BOND $H EQIV $1 -x+3, -y, -z+1 HTAB O1 Cl2 HTAB N1 Cl2_$1 L.S. 10 TEMP -90.00 WGHT 0.033800 0.263700 FVAR 7.73567 CL1 5 -0.271681 1.088495 0.230238 11.00000 0.02744 0.03552 = 0.03125 -0.01266 -0.01045 0.01028 CL2 5 0.685200 0.637694 0.146471 11.00000 0.02405 0.02853 = 0.02069 -0.00325 0.00148 0.00215 C1 1 -0.110944 0.563758 0.761537 11.00000 0.02672 0.02400 = 0.02113 -0.00836 0.00125 -0.00510 AFIX 43 H1 2 -0.113355 0.475532 0.868705 11.00000 -1.20000 AFIX 0 C2 1 -0.275958 0.648982 0.720765 11.00000 0.02064 0.03250 = 0.02628 -0.01293 0.00311 -0.00635 AFIX 43 H2 2 -0.391035 0.617281 0.798526 11.00000 -1.20000 AFIX 0 C3 1 -0.270565 0.778670 0.567733 11.00000 0.01775 0.02972 = 0.02683 -0.01507 -0.00255 -0.00161 AFIX 43 H3 2 -0.382737 0.837260 0.539575 11.00000 -1.20000 AFIX 0 C4 1 -0.100265 0.826688 0.450895 11.00000 0.01861 0.02280 = 0.02089 -0.01314 -0.00351 -0.00012 C5 1 -0.079029 0.959518 0.290145 11.00000 0.02132 0.02368 = 0.02421 -0.01213 -0.00713 0.00304 C6 1 0.090423 0.991421 0.182690 11.00000 0.02744 0.02346 = 0.01931 -0.00681 -0.00487 -0.00224 AFIX 43 H6 2 0.100983 1.081341 0.075459 11.00000 -1.20000 AFIX 0 C7 1 0.249980 0.892508 0.228944 11.00000 0.01939 0.02867 = 0.02129 -0.00929 0.00153 -0.00480 AFIX 43 H7 2 0.366471 0.914890 0.151548 11.00000 -1.20000 AFIX 0 C8 1 0.239450 0.764328 0.384190 11.00000 0.01696 0.02433 = 0.02067 -0.01096 -0.00251 0.00036 C9 1 0.062641 0.732361 0.496693 11.00000 0.01959 0.01799 = 0.01871 -0.00944 -0.00235 -0.00151 O1 4 0.382140 0.663383 0.443088 11.00000 0.01640 0.03642 = 0.02220 -0.00843 -0.00059 0.00415 N1 3 0.049580 0.605002 0.651671 11.00000 0.02036 0.02090 = 0.01990 -0.00847 -0.00262 0.00070 H1O1 2 0.466326 0.661374 0.366488 11.00000 0.04264 H1N1 2 0.154504 0.538002 0.689168 11.00000 0.04798 HKLF 4 REM exp_336t REM R1 = 0.0288 for 1508 Fo > 4sig(Fo) and 0.0406 for all 1836 data REM 126 parameters refined using 0 restraints END WGHT 0.0327 0.1208 REM Highest difference peak 0.281, deepest hole -0.197, 1-sigma level 0.049 Q1 1 0.1434 0.7349 0.4387 11.00000 0.05 0.28 Q2 1 -0.0216 0.7705 0.4596 11.00000 0.05 0.25 Q3 1 -0.0014 0.9318 0.2072 11.00000 0.05 0.24 Q4 1 0.0535 0.6822 0.5659 11.00000 0.05 0.24 Q5 1 0.2405 0.8680 0.3224 11.00000 0.05 0.22 Q6 1 -0.1824 0.8012 0.4927 11.00000 0.05 0.22 Q7 1 -0.0960 0.8688 0.3548 11.00000 0.05 0.21 Q8 1 0.0035 1.0050 0.2603 11.00000 0.05 0.21 Q9 1 -0.1531 0.9999 0.2608 11.00000 0.05 0.21 Q10 1 0.1569 0.9226 0.2242 11.00000 0.05 0.20 ; _[local]_cod_data_source_file fg3281.cif _[local]_cod_data_source_block IV _cod_original_cell_volume 444.47(4) _cod_database_code 2018706 loop_ _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz 'x, y, z' '-x, -y, -z' loop_ _atom_site_type_symbol _atom_site_label _atom_site_fract_x _atom_site_fract_y _atom_site_fract_z _atom_site_U_iso_or_equiv _atom_site_adp_type _atom_site_calc_flag _atom_site_refinement_flags _atom_site_occupancy _atom_site_symmetry_multiplicity Cl Cl1 -0.27168(7) 1.08850(7) 0.23024(6) 0.03076(15) Uani d . 1 1 Cl Cl2 0.68520(6) 0.63769(6) 0.14647(5) 0.02654(14) Uani d . 1 1 C C1 -0.1109(3) 0.5638(3) 0.7615(2) 0.0243(4) Uani d . 1 1 H H1 -0.1134 0.4755 0.8687 0.029 Uiso calc R 1 1 C C2 -0.2760(3) 0.6490(3) 0.7208(2) 0.0264(4) Uani d . 1 1 H H2 -0.3910 0.6173 0.7985 0.032 Uiso calc R 1 1 C C3 -0.2706(3) 0.7787(3) 0.5677(2) 0.0235(4) Uani d . 1 1 H H3 -0.3827 0.8373 0.5396 0.028 Uiso calc R 1 1 C C4 -0.1003(2) 0.8267(2) 0.4509(2) 0.0194(4) Uani d . 1 1 C C5 -0.0790(3) 0.9595(2) 0.2901(2) 0.0217(4) Uani d . 1 1 C C6 0.0904(3) 0.9914(3) 0.1827(2) 0.0232(4) Uani d . 1 1 H H6 0.1010 1.0813 0.0755 0.028 Uiso calc R 1 1 C C7 0.2500(3) 0.8925(3) 0.2289(2) 0.0233(4) Uani d . 1 1 H H7 0.3665 0.9149 0.1515 0.028 Uiso calc R 1 1 C C8 0.2395(2) 0.7643(2) 0.3842(2) 0.0200(4) Uani d . 1 1 C C9 0.0626(2) 0.7324(2) 0.4967(2) 0.0180(4) Uani d . 1 1 O O1 0.38214(19) 0.66338(19) 0.44309(17) 0.0259(3) Uani d . 1 1 N N1 0.0496(2) 0.6050(2) 0.65167(18) 0.0202(3) Uani d . 1 1 H H1O1 0.466(3) 0.661(3) 0.366(3) 0.043(7) Uiso d . 1 1 H H1N1 0.155(3) 0.538(3) 0.689(3) 0.048(7) Uiso d . 1 1 loop_ _atom_site_aniso_label _atom_site_aniso_U_11 _atom_site_aniso_U_22 _atom_site_aniso_U_33 _atom_site_aniso_U_12 _atom_site_aniso_U_13 _atom_site_aniso_U_23 Cl1 0.0274(3) 0.0355(3) 0.0313(3) 0.0103(2) -0.0104(2) -0.0127(2) Cl2 0.0241(3) 0.0285(3) 0.0207(2) 0.00215(19) 0.00148(17) -0.00325(18) C1 0.0267(10) 0.0240(9) 0.0211(9) -0.0051(8) 0.0013(7) -0.0084(8) C2 0.0206(10) 0.0325(11) 0.0263(10) -0.0063(8) 0.0031(8) -0.0129(8) C3 0.0178(9) 0.0297(10) 0.0268(10) -0.0016(8) -0.0025(7) -0.0151(8) C4 0.0186(9) 0.0228(9) 0.0209(9) -0.0001(7) -0.0035(7) -0.0131(7) C5 0.0213(9) 0.0237(9) 0.0242(9) 0.0030(8) -0.0071(7) -0.0121(8) C6 0.0274(10) 0.0235(9) 0.0193(9) -0.0022(8) -0.0049(7) -0.0068(7) C7 0.0194(9) 0.0287(10) 0.0213(9) -0.0048(8) 0.0015(7) -0.0093(8) C8 0.0170(9) 0.0243(9) 0.0207(9) 0.0004(7) -0.0025(7) -0.0110(7) C9 0.0196(9) 0.0180(9) 0.0187(8) -0.0015(7) -0.0023(7) -0.0094(7) O1 0.0164(7) 0.0364(8) 0.0222(7) 0.0041(6) -0.0006(6) -0.0084(6) N1 0.0204(8) 0.0209(8) 0.0199(8) 0.0007(6) -0.0026(6) -0.0085(6) loop_ _atom_type_symbol _atom_type_description _atom_type_scat_dispersion_real _atom_type_scat_dispersion_imag _atom_type_scat_source C C 0.0033 0.0016 'International Tables Vol C Tables and' H H 0.0000 0.0000 'International Tables Vol C Tables and' N N 0.0061 0.0033 'International Tables Vol C Tables and' O O 0.0106 0.0060 'International Tables Vol C Tables and' Cl Cl 0.1484 0.1585 'International Tables Vol C Tables and' loop_ _geom_angle_atom_site_label_1 _geom_angle_atom_site_label_2 _geom_angle_atom_site_label_3 _geom_angle N1 C1 C2 120.46(17) N1 C1 H1 119.8 C2 C1 H1 119.8 C3 C2 C1 119.33(17) C3 C2 H2 120.3 C1 C2 H2 120.3 C2 C3 C4 120.84(18) C2 C3 H3 119.6 C4 C3 H3 119.6 C3 C4 C9 117.52(16) C3 C4 C5 125.40(17) C9 C4 C5 117.06(16) C6 C5 C4 121.27(17) C6 C5 Cl1 119.26(14) C4 C5 Cl1 119.45(14) C5 C6 C7 120.72(17) C5 C6 H6 119.6 C7 C6 H6 119.6 C8 C7 C6 120.90(17) C8 C7 H7 119.5 C6 C7 H7 119.5 O1 C8 C7 126.23(16) O1 C8 C9 115.51(16) C7 C8 C9 118.26(16) N1 C9 C4 119.21(16) N1 C9 C8 119.03(16) C4 C9 C8 121.75(16) C8 O1 H1O1 109.9(18) C1 N1 C9 122.60(16) C1 N1 H1N1 114.6(15) C9 N1 H1N1 122.8(15) loop_ _geom_bond_atom_site_label_1 _geom_bond_atom_site_label_2 _geom_bond_distance _geom_bond_publ_flag Cl1 C5 1.7398(18) yes C1 N1 1.327(2) yes C1 C2 1.394(3) ? C1 H1 0.9500 ? C2 C3 1.367(3) ? C2 H2 0.9500 ? C3 C4 1.413(2) ? C3 H3 0.9500 ? C4 C9 1.416(2) ? C4 C5 1.415(3) ? C5 C6 1.364(3) ? C6 C7 1.409(3) ? C6 H6 0.9500 ? C7 C8 1.372(3) ? C7 H7 0.9500 ? C8 O1 1.347(2) yes C8 C9 1.424(2) ? C9 N1 1.366(2) yes O1 H1O1 0.79(2) ? N1 H1N1 0.95(3) ? loop_ _geom_hbond_atom_site_label_D _geom_hbond_atom_site_label_H _geom_hbond_atom_site_label_A _geom_hbond_distance_DH _geom_hbond_distance_HA _geom_hbond_distance_DA _geom_hbond_angle_DHA O1 H1O1 Cl2 0.79(2) 2.21(3) 3.0001(14) 174(2)