#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #$Date: 2010-01-30 15:59:17 +0200 (Sat, 30 Jan 2010) $ #$Revision: 966 $ #$URL: file:///home/coder/svn-repositories/cod/cif/2/2101522.cif $ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # This file is available in the Crystallography Open Database (COD), # http://www.crystallography.net/. The original data for this entry # were provided by IUCr Journals, http://journals.iucr.org/. # # The file may be used within the scientific community so long as # proper attribution is given to the journal article from which the # data were obtained. # data_2101522 loop_ _publ_author_name 'Kubicki, M.' 'Kindopp, T. W.' 'Capparelli, M. V.' 'Codding, P. W.' _publ_section_title ; Hydrogen-bond patterns in 1,4-dihydro-2,3-quinoxalinediones: ligands for the glycine modulatory site on the NMDA receptor ; _journal_issue 3 _journal_name_full 'Acta Crystallographica Section B' _journal_page_first 487 _journal_page_last 499 _journal_volume 52 _journal_year 1996 _chemical_formula_sum 'C11 H11 Cl2 N3 O3' _chemical_formula_weight 304.13 _symmetry_cell_setting triclinic _symmetry_space_group_name_Hall '-P 1' _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P -1' _atom_type_scat_source IntTabC _cell_angle_alpha 107.407(5) _cell_angle_beta 99.304(6) _cell_angle_gamma 95.032(4) _cell_formula_units_Z 2 _cell_length_a 6.1501(4) _cell_length_b 8.3787(4) _cell_length_c 13.7356(10) _cell_measurement_reflns_used 25 _cell_measurement_temperature 293(2) _cell_measurement_theta_max 53.83 _cell_measurement_theta_min 32.68 _cell_volume 659.50(7) _computing_cell_refinement 'SHELXL03 (Sheldrick, 1993)' _computing_data_collection 'Enraf-Nonius CAD-4F' _computing_data_reduction 'ENDROC (Rettig, 1978)' _computing_structure_refinement 'SHELXL93 (Sheldrick, 1993)' _computing_structure_solution 'SHELXS86 (Sheldrick, 1990)' _diffrn_measurement_device 'Enraf-Nonius CAD-4F' _diffrn_measurement_method \w-2\q _diffrn_radiation_type CuK\a _diffrn_radiation_wavelength 1.54178 _diffrn_reflns_limit_h_max 7 _diffrn_reflns_limit_h_min -7 _diffrn_reflns_limit_k_max 10 _diffrn_reflns_limit_k_min -10 _diffrn_reflns_limit_l_max 17 _diffrn_reflns_limit_l_min 0 _diffrn_reflns_number 2724 _diffrn_reflns_theta_max 74.76 _diffrn_standards_decay_% <5 _diffrn_standards_interval_time 33.33 _diffrn_standards_number 3 _exptl_absorpt_coefficient_mu 4.523 _exptl_absorpt_correction_T_max 0.49 _exptl_absorpt_correction_T_min 0.31 _exptl_absorpt_correction_type 'DIRDIF (Walker & Stuart, 1983)' _exptl_crystal_colour 'pale yellow' _exptl_crystal_density_diffrn 1.532 _exptl_crystal_description prism _exptl_crystal_F_000 312 _exptl_crystal_size_max 0.40 _exptl_crystal_size_mid 0.25 _exptl_crystal_size_min 0.20 _refine_diff_density_max 0.321 _refine_diff_density_min -0.315 _refine_ls_extinction_coef 0.0050(10) _refine_ls_extinction_method 'SHELXL93 (Sheldrick, 1993)' _refine_ls_goodness_of_fit_obs 1.078 _refine_ls_hydrogen_treatment 'methyl H atoms fixed, all parameters refined for other H atoms' _refine_ls_number_parameters 195 _refine_ls_number_reflns 2723 _refine_ls_R_factor_obs 0.0425 _refine_ls_shift/esd_max 0.001 _refine_ls_structure_factor_coef Fsqd _refine_ls_weighting_scheme ;w = 1/[\s^2^(F^2^) + (0.0728P)^2^ + 0.1510P] where P = (F~o~^2^ + 2F~c~^2^)/3 ; _refine_ls_wR_factor_obs 0.1276 _reflns_number_observed 2599 _reflns_number_total 2724 _reflns_observed_criterion I>2\s(I) _[local]_cod_data_source_file cr0473.cif loop_ _atom_site_label _atom_site_fract_x _atom_site_fract_y _atom_site_fract_z _atom_site_U_iso_or_equiv N(1) -.0382(3) .8427(2) -.27610(10) .0430(10) C(2) .1638(3) .9373(2) -.25040(10) .0440(10) O(2) .2407(3) 1.0002(2) -.30850(10) .0630(10) C(3) .2982(3) .9629(2) -.14140(10) .0410(10) O(3) .4809(2) 1.0469(2) -.11260(10) .0550(10) N(4) .2002(3) .8875(2) -.08120(10) .0390(10) C(4A) -.0106(3) .7937(2) -.11220(10) .0360(10) C(5) -.1060(3) .7195(2) -.04750(10) .0420(10) Cl(5) .04500(10) .74360(10) .07460(10) .0550(10) C(6) -.3159(3) .6266(2) -.0797(2) .0470(10) C(7) -.4317(3) .6063(2) -.1783(2) .0450(10) Cl(7) -.69440(10) .48620(10) -.22010(10) .0670(10) C(8) -.3454(3) .6764(2) -.24530(10) .0430(10) C(8A) -.1339(3) .7709(2) -.21110(10) .0380(10) O(1S) -.3438(3) .7529(2) -.46220(10) .0680(10) C(1S) -.4352(4) .7870(3) -.5381(2) .0510(10) N(1S) -.6492(3) .7458(2) -.57940(10) .0480(10) C(11S) -.7440(5) .7869(3) -.6714(2) .0690(10) C(12S) -.7976(4) .6555(4) -.5353(2) .0680(10) H(1) -.115(4) .825(3) -.333(2) .056(7) H(4) .288(4) .907(3) -.0212(19) .047(6) H(6) -.380(4) .580(3) -.035(2) .065(7) H(8) -.435(4) .665(3) -.3129(19) .049(6) H(1S) -.335(5) .851(4) -.572(2) .078(8) H(11A) -.857(2) .857(2) -.6557(5) .090 H(11B) -.809(3) .6847(4) -.7267(5) .090 H(11C) -.6290(7) .846(2) -.6927(9) .090 H(12A) -.899(2) .5694(16) -.5903(2) .088 H(12B) -.881(2) .7331(6) -.4952(13) .088 H(12C) -.7120(5) .604(2) -.4911(12) .088 loop_ _geom_bond_atom_site_label_1 _geom_bond_atom_site_label_2 _geom_bond_distance N(1) C(2) 1.347(2) N(1) C(8A) 1.391(2) N(1) H(1) .81(3) C(2) O(2) 1.213(2) C(2) C(3) 1.531(2) C(3) O(3) 1.211(2) C(3) N(4) 1.361(2) N(4) C(4A) 1.386(2) N(4) H(4) .87(3) C(4A) C(8A) 1.394(2) C(4A) C(5) 1.398(2) C(5) C(6) 1.379(3) C(5) Cl(5) 1.726(2) C(6) C(7) 1.378(3) C(6) H(6) .94(3) C(7) C(8) 1.379(3) C(7) Cl(7) 1.738(2) C(8) C(8A) 1.392(3) C(8) H(8) .97(2) O(1S) C(1S) 1.225(3) C(1S) N(1S) 1.317(3) C(1S) H(1S) 1.03(3) N(1S) C(12S) 1.451(3) N(1S) C(11S) 1.454(2) C(11S) H(11A) .96 C(11S) H(11B) .96 C(11S) H(11C) .96 C(12S) H(12A) .96 C(12S) H(12B) .96 C(12S) H(12C) .96 loop_ _geom_angle_atom_site_label_1 _geom_angle_atom_site_label_2 _geom_angle_atom_site_label_3 _geom_angle C(2) N(1) C(8A) 125.2(2) C(2) N(1) H(1) 120(2) C(8A) N(1) H(1) 114(2) O(2) C(2) N(1) 123.5(2) O(2) C(2) C(3) 120.1(2) N(1) C(2) C(3) 116.4(2) O(3) C(3) N(4) 123.4(2) O(3) C(3) C(2) 120.3(2) N(4) C(3) C(2) 116.4(2) C(3) N(4) C(4A) 124.1(2) C(3) N(4) H(4) 110(2) C(4A) N(4) H(4) 125(2) N(4) C(4A) C(8A) 119.7(2) N(4) C(4A) C(5) 122.3(2) C(8A) C(4A) C(5) 118.0(2) C(6) C(5) C(4A) 121.5(2) C(6) C(5) Cl(5) 119.68(14) C(4A) C(5) Cl(5) 118.9(2) C(7) C(6) C(5) 118.7(2) C(7) C(6) H(6) 121(2) C(5) C(6) H(6) 120(2) C(6) C(7) C(8) 122.3(2) C(6) C(7) Cl(7) 118.8(2) C(8) C(7) Cl(7) 118.9(2) C(7) C(8) C(8A) 118.2(2) C(7) C(8) H(8) 119.9(14) C(8A) C(8) H(8) 121.8(14) N(1) C(8A) C(8) 120.5(2) N(1) C(8A) C(4A) 118.1(2) C(8) C(8A) C(4A) 121.4(2) O(1S) C(1S) N(1S) 124.5(2) O(1S) C(1S) H(1S) 117(2) N(1S) C(1S) H(1S) 119(2) C(1S) N(1S) C(12S) 121.0(2) C(1S) N(1S) C(11S) 121.2(2) C(12S) N(1S) C(11S) 117.8(2) N(1S) C(11S) H(11A) 109.47(14) N(1S) C(11S) H(11B) 109.47(12) H(11A) C(11S) H(11B) 109.5 N(1S) C(11S) H(11C) 109.47(13) H(11A) C(11S) H(11C) 109.5 H(11B) C(11S) H(11C) 109.5 N(1S) C(12S) H(12A) 109.47(12) N(1S) C(12S) H(12B) 109.47(13) H(12A) C(12S) H(12B) 109.5 N(1S) C(12S) H(12C) 109.47(13) H(12A) C(12S) H(12C) 109.5 H(12B) C(12S) H(12C) 109.5 _cod_database_code 2101522