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Information card for entry 2104009
Coordinates | 2104009.cif |
Structure factors | 2104009.hkl |
Original IUCr paper | HTML |
Formula | O13 V6 |
Calculated formula | O13 V6 |
SMILES | [V+5].[V+5].[V+4].[V+4].[V+4].[V+4].[O-2].[O-2].[O-2].[O-2].[O-2].[O-2].[O-2].[O-2].[O-2].[O-2].[O-2].[O-2].[O-2] |
Title of publication | Low-temperature structure of V~6~O~13~ |
Authors of publication | Höwing, Jonas; Gustafsson, Torbjörn; Thomas, John O. |
Journal of publication | Acta Crystallographica Section B |
Year of publication | 2003 |
Journal volume | 59 |
Journal issue | 6 |
Pages of publication | 747 - 752 |
a | 10.0543 ± 0.0001 Å |
b | 3.708 ± 0.0001 Å |
c | 11.9554 ± 0.0001 Å |
α | 90° |
β | 100.914 ± 0.001° |
γ | 90° |
Cell volume | 437.652 ± 0.013 Å3 |
Cell temperature | 95 ± 2 K |
Ambient diffraction temperature | 95 ± 2 K |
Number of distinct elements | 2 |
Space group number | 7 |
Hermann-Mauguin space group symbol | P 1 c 1 |
Hall space group symbol | P -2yc |
Residual factor for all reflections | 0.0779 |
Residual factor for significantly intense reflections | 0.0779 |
Weighted residual factors for significantly intense reflections | 0.0826 |
Weighted residual factors for all reflections included in the refinement | 0.0826 |
Goodness-of-fit parameter for significantly intense reflections | 0.58 |
Goodness-of-fit parameter for all reflections included in the refinement | 0.58 |
Diffraction radiation wavelength | 0.71073 Å |
Diffraction radiation type | MoKα |
Has coordinates | Yes |
Has disorder | No |
Has Fobs | Yes |
Revision | Date | Message | Files |
190342 (current) | 2017-01-10 | cif/2/10/ ( Moving the _atom_site_adp_type, _atom_site_occupancy and _atom_site_type_symbol data items into the main _atom_site loop in entries 2104008, 2104009. |
2104009.cif 2104009.hkl |
180900 | 2016-04-02 | hkl/2/10/ (antanas@echidna) Replacing _[local]_cod_* tags with their equivalents from the COD CIF dictionary in multiple entries in subrange 2/10/40. |
2104009.cif 2104009.hkl |
176435 | 2016-02-14 | cif/ (antanas@kurmis) Replacing _[local]_cod_* tags with their equivalents from the COD CIF dictionary in multiple entries from ranges 1, 2. |
2104009.cif 2104009.hkl |
129439 | 2015-01-07 | cod/ (robertas@burundukas) Correcting values of _exptl_crystal_density_meas and _exptl_crystal_density_method data items: codsql "select codid from validation where message like '%\\'_exptl_crystal_density_meas\\' value \"not measured\" is %'" -NB \ | codid2file \ | xargs perl -i -pe "s/_exptl_crystal_density_meas\\s+'not +measured'/_exptl_crystal_density_meas ?/i; \ s/_exptl_crystal_density_method\\s+('not +measured'|\\?|none)/_exptl_crystal_density_method ./i" |
2104009.cif 2104009.hkl |
91933 | 2013-12-28 | cif/ ( Adding DOIs that could be assigned unambiguously to the range 2x CIFs. |
2104009.cif 2104009.hkl |
88064 | 2013-08-29 | Adding _cod_database_fobs_code data item to all COD CIFs that have Fobs deposited and did not have this data item yet. | 2104009.cif 2104009.hkl |
32112 | 2012-02-03 | cif/: committing an update of 45+ thous files, with information appended from the originals. | 2104009.cif 2104009.hkl |
31986 | 2012-01-04 | cif/ Changing more tags to match the dictionary specifications: -_diffrn_standards_interval_count none -_diffrn_standards_interval_time none -_diffrn_standards_number none +_diffrn_standards_interval_count 0 +_diffrn_standards_interval_time . +_diffrn_standards_number 0 |
2104009.cif 2104009.hkl |
31985 | 2012-01-04 | cif/ Canging data item '_diffrn_standards_decay_% none' to '_diffrn_standards_decay_% 0'. |
2104009.cif 2104009.hkl |
26848 | 2011-09-28 | cif/2/, hkl/2/, html/ Reorganising CIFs of the range 2* into the "prefix-directory" tree. |
2104009.cif 2104009.hkl |
26029 | 2011-09-17 | cif/2/ Reverting changes of revision 25271: ( cd cif/2/; svn merge -r25271:25270 . ) The problem was that the reprocessed files from IUCr, although were more complete, "resurrected" data errors that were corrected in the previous recisions. The additional data that have been extracted during the reprocessing will have to be merged without overwriting the existing values in COD files, except some explicit and controlled cases (such as publication titles and chemical names). |
2104009.cif 2104009.hkl |
25271 | 2011-09-10 | cif/2/ Adding reporocessed IUCr CIFs for the years 1980-2010. The CIFs now contain more complete bibliography, substance names, correctly unfolded text fields (using the CIF line unfolding protocol), explicitely set cell angles, and _cod_data_source_block fields. |
2104009.cif 2104009.hkl |
18065 | 2011-04-18 | hkl/4/ Adding _cod_depositor_comments to the 2104009.hkl file (text is derived from the slightly corrected Subversion log entries). |
2104009.cif 2104009.hkl |
18064 | 2011-04-18 | hkl/2/ Replacing values 'Inf' with '?' (both unquoted) in the _refln_ loop so that the file can be validated against cif_core.dic (and hopefully more useful for processing). |
2104009.cif 2104009.hkl |
18063 | 2011-04-18 | hkl/2/ Refomatting 2104009.hkl so that each _refln_ loop row occupies one file line: cif_filter \ --add-cif-header ~/struct/cod/hkl/2/2104009.hkl \ --use-all ~/struct/cod/hkl/2/2104009.hkl \ | sponge \ ~/struct/cod/hkl/2/2104009.hkl |
2104009.cif 2104009.hkl |
18062 | 2011-04-18 | hkl/2/ "Ungluing" Inf tokens (aparently infinite sigma values for reflection intensities). Unfortunately, the "glued" values (i.e. values not separated by a whictspace from the previous token) did not result in a detectable syntax error -- by chance, the number of elements in the _refln_ loop was still divisible by the loop column number. |
2104009.cif 2104009.hkl |
966 | 2010-01-30 | cif/ Adding _cod_database_code tags to all COD entries. Adding tag description to the cif_cod.dic dictionary so that COD entries can be validated. |
2104009.cif 2104009.hkl |
858 | 2009-11-18 | cod/cif/ Changing all _chemical_formula_sum values, were necessary, to conform IUCr recommended syntax and sorting order. After this operation, it will be easier to search for structures using the _chemical_formula_sum values. Only those files and thos lines that really needed to be changed were changed; otehrwise the CIFs were not reformatted. The procedure was as follows: first, all files were passed through a 'cif_filter --parse-formula-sum' command, and the lines containing _cif_formula_sum matching tags were extracted. The extracted tags were "spliced" into the CIF files using the ./bin/{un,}grepciftag commands and awk to filter out old tags and add new tags in their place; the replacement was only done if the new tags contained "_cod_" tags ('grep -q _cod_ tmp-$$'), indicating that cif_filter has altered the formula, or the original file did not contain the _chemical_formula_sum tag ('! grep -q _chemical_formula_sum X'), indicating that cif_filter has guessed the chemical_formula_sum from the file (which should not have happened, actually). If the file was different, disregarding spaces, from the original one ('if ! diff -wb X tmp2-$$'), the original was replaced by the new file, to be committed to the repository. The full command for this step was: ( \ set -x; \ find ? -name \*.cif \ | xargs -n1 -iX \ sh -c 'cif_filter --parse-formula-sum X \ | ./bin/grepciftag _chemical_formula_sum > tmp-$$; \ if grep -q _cod_ tmp-$$ || ! grep -q _chemical_formula_sum X; \ then \ awk "/^#/,/_chemical_formula_sum/{print} /_chemical_formula_sum/{exit}" X \ | ./bin/ungrepciftag _chemical_formula_sum > tmp2-$$; \ cat tmp-$$ >> tmp2-$$; \ awk "/_chemical_formula_sum/,/\$eof/" X \ | ./bin/ungrepciftag _chemical_formula_sum >> tmp2-$$; \ if ! diff -wb X tmp2-$$; \ then \ mv -fv tmp2-$$ X; \ fi; \ fi; \ rm -f tmp-$$ tmp2-$$' \ ) >& sort-chemical-formulae-2009.11.16.log Next, the files were searched that differ from their originals only by the order of CIF tags: svn st \ | awk '/^M/{print $NF}' \ | sort | xargs -n1 -iX \ bash -c 'if diff -q <(svn cat X|sort) <(sort X) >& /dev/null; \ then echo X; \ fi' \ >& only-reordered.lst These files, after manual inspection ('cat only-reordered.lst | xargs svn diff | less'), were reverted to the originals: cat only-reordered.lst | xargs svn revert Finally, a syntax check was performed using 'vcif': svn st | awk '/^M/{print $NF}' \ | sort | xargs -n1 -iX \ sh -c 'echo -n X"\r"; vcif -l 2048 X || { echo == X == ; echo X >&2; }' \ 2> vcif-check-2009.11.18.err A check on the whole COD archive showed the same files as recorded in vcif-check-2009.11.18.err: find ? -name \*.cif \ | sort \ | xargs -n1 -iX \ sh -c 'echo -n X"\r"; \ vcif -l 2048 X || { echo == X == ; echo X >&2; }' \ 2> vcif-all-check-`-date`.err diff vcif-check-2009.11.18.err vcif-all-check-2009.11.18.err Since no differences were detected in between vcif-check-2009.11.18.err and vcif-all-check-2009.11.18.err, the latter was deleted and is not committed. The check reveled two broken files, 2/2000267.cif and 2/2001000.cif; these were corrected manually. Afther this, one more 'vcif' check showed no syntax errors, and the changes are committed into the COD repository. 19798 files have modifications in this commit, according to svn st | grep '^M' | wc -l |
2104009.cif 2104009.hkl |
697 | 2009-05-05 | Adding 1667 more Fobs files, ones that have cell constans differenig not more than 0.1% from the cell constants in the coordinate file. The symmetry operators must also match in both files. |
2104009.cif 2104009.hkl |
397 | 2008-06-20 | Adding new CIF files deposited from Acta-Cryst-B-2001-2003/. |
2104009.cif |
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Users of the data should acknowledge the original authors of the
structural data.