#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #$Date: 2012-02-24 19:13:23 +0200 (Fri, 24 Feb 2012) $ #$Revision: 34330 $ #$URL: file:///home/coder/svn-repositories/cod/cif/4/06/46/4064697.cif $ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # This file is available in the Crystallography Open Database (COD), # http://www.crystallography.net/ # # All data on this site have been placed in the public domain by the # contributors. # data_4064697 loop_ _publ_author_name 'Tanabe, Makoto' 'Deguchi, Takashi' 'Osakada, Kohtaro' _publ_section_title ; Chemical Properties of Tetragermaplatinacyclopentane. Insertion of an Alkyne into a Pt--Ge Bond and Silylation Caused by H2SiPh2 ; _journal_issue 12 _journal_name_full Organometallics _journal_page_first 3386 _journal_volume 30 _journal_year 2011 _chemical_formula_moiety 'C44 H94 Ge4 O4 P2 Pt' _chemical_formula_sum 'C44 H94 Ge4 O4 P2 Pt' _chemical_formula_weight 1234.62 _space_group_IT_number 88 _symmetry_cell_setting tetragonal _symmetry_Int_Tables_number 88 _symmetry_space_group_name_Hall '-I 4ad' _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'I 41/a :2' _atom_sites_solution_hydrogens geom _atom_sites_solution_primary direct _atom_sites_solution_secondary difmap _cell_angle_alpha 90.0000 _cell_angle_beta 90.0000 _cell_angle_gamma 90.0000 _cell_formula_units_Z 16 _cell_length_a 20.3919(15) _cell_length_b 20.3919(15) _cell_length_c 54.171(6) _cell_measurement_reflns_used 23108 _cell_measurement_temperature 293 _cell_measurement_theta_max 27.48 _cell_measurement_theta_min 3.02 _cell_volume 22526(3) _computing_cell_refinement CrystalClear _computing_data_collection 'CrystalClear (Rigaku/MSC Inc., 2006)' _computing_data_reduction CrystalClear _computing_molecular_graphics 'CrystalStructure 4.0' _computing_publication_material 'CrystalStructure 4.0 (Rigaku, 2010)' _computing_structure_refinement 'SHELXL97 (Sheldrick, 2008)' _computing_structure_solution 'Il Milione (Burla, et al., 2007)' _diffrn_ambient_temperature 293 _diffrn_detector_area_resol_mean 7.314 _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full 0.997 _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_max 0.997 _diffrn_measurement_device_type 'Rigaku Saturn70' _diffrn_measurement_method \w _diffrn_radiation_type 'Mo K\a' _diffrn_radiation_wavelength 0.71070 _diffrn_reflns_av_R_equivalents 0.0996 _diffrn_reflns_limit_h_max 26 _diffrn_reflns_limit_h_min -26 _diffrn_reflns_limit_k_max 26 _diffrn_reflns_limit_k_min -26 _diffrn_reflns_limit_l_max 66 _diffrn_reflns_limit_l_min -70 _diffrn_reflns_number 104074 _diffrn_reflns_theta_full 27.48 _diffrn_reflns_theta_max 27.48 _diffrn_standards_number 0 _exptl_absorpt_coefficient_mu 4.665 _exptl_absorpt_correction_T_max 0.474 _exptl_absorpt_correction_T_min 0.268 _exptl_absorpt_correction_type multi-scan _exptl_absorpt_process_details 'REQAB (Rigaku, 1998)' _exptl_crystal_colour colorless _exptl_crystal_density_diffrn 1.456 _exptl_crystal_density_method 'not measured' _exptl_crystal_description prism _exptl_crystal_F_000 10016.00 _exptl_crystal_size_max 0.240 _exptl_crystal_size_mid 0.220 _exptl_crystal_size_min 0.160 _refine_diff_density_max 3.240 _refine_diff_density_min -4.010 _refine_ls_extinction_method none _refine_ls_goodness_of_fit_ref 1.046 _refine_ls_hydrogen_treatment constr _refine_ls_number_parameters 497 _refine_ls_number_reflns 12886 _refine_ls_number_restraints 0 _refine_ls_R_factor_all 0.1039 _refine_ls_R_factor_gt 0.0829 _refine_ls_shift/su_max 0.001 _refine_ls_structure_factor_coef Fsqd _refine_ls_weighting_details 'w = 1/[\s^2^(Fo^2^)+(0.1286P)^2^+226.5202P] where P=(Fo^2^+2Fc^2^)/3' _refine_ls_weighting_scheme calc _refine_ls_wR_factor_gt 0.2229 _refine_ls_wR_factor_ref 0.2468 _reflns_number_gt 9495 _reflns_number_total 12886 _reflns_threshold_expression F^2^>2.0\s(F^2^) _[local]_cod_data_source_file om200275w_si_002.cif _[local]_cod_data_source_block complex7 _[local]_cod_cif_authors_sg_H-M 'I 41/a' _cod_original_cell_volume 22526(4) _cod_database_code 4064697 loop_ _symmetry_equiv_pos_site_id _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz 1 +X,+Y,+Z 2 3/4-Y,1/4+X,1/4+Z 3 1/2-X,-Y,1/2+Z 4 3/4+Y,3/4-X,3/4+Z 5 -X,-Y,-Z 6 3/4+Y,1/4-X,1/4-Z 7 1/2+X,+Y,1/2-Z 8 3/4-Y,3/4+X,3/4-Z 9 1/2+X,1/2+Y,1/2+Z 10 1/4-Y,3/4+X,3/4+Z 11 -X,1/2-Y,+Z 12 1/4+Y,1/4-X,1/4+Z 13 1/2-X,1/2-Y,1/2-Z 14 1/4+Y,3/4-X,3/4-Z 15 +X,1/2+Y,-Z 16 1/4-Y,1/4+X,1/4-Z loop_ _atom_site_label _atom_site_type_symbol _atom_site_fract_x _atom_site_fract_y _atom_site_fract_z _atom_site_U_iso_or_equiv _atom_site_adp_type _atom_site_occupancy _atom_site_symmetry_multiplicity _atom_site_calc_flag _atom_site_refinement_flags Pt1 Pt 0.21379(2) 0.102243(18) 0.273654(6) 0.05687(16) Uani 1.0 16 d . Ge1 Ge 0.18308(6) 0.09299(5) 0.318131(17) 0.0534(3) Uani 1.0 16 d . Ge2 Ge 0.24439(5) 0.01704(5) 0.345478(16) 0.0507(3) Uani 1.0 16 d . Ge3 Ge 0.26774(6) -0.08992(5) 0.326610(17) 0.0560(3) Uani 1.0 16 d . Ge4 Ge 0.30056(7) -0.06278(5) 0.284625(18) 0.0693(4) Uani 1.0 16 d . P1 P 0.2449(2) 0.11777(15) 0.23286(5) 0.0721(9) Uani 1.0 16 d . P2 P 0.10859(17) 0.11765(13) 0.25893(5) 0.0629(8) Uani 1.0 16 d . O1 O 0.3644(5) 0.1850(4) 0.27208(12) 0.066(2) Uani 1.0 16 d . O2 O 0.3552(4) 0.1596(4) 0.31267(12) 0.0621(18) Uani 1.0 16 d . O3 O 0.4520(5) 0.0701(5) 0.29126(16) 0.079(3) Uani 1.0 16 d . O4 O 0.4275(5) -0.0313(4) 0.30633(16) 0.079(3) Uani 1.0 16 d . C1 C 0.3091(7) 0.0838(5) 0.28376(16) 0.062(3) Uani 1.0 16 d . C2 C 0.3422(6) 0.0262(5) 0.28672(17) 0.060(3) Uani 1.0 16 d . C3 C 0.3469(6) 0.1470(5) 0.28805(17) 0.062(3) Uani 1.0 16 d . C4 C 0.3914(7) 0.2166(6) 0.3188(2) 0.074(4) Uani 1.0 16 d . C5 C 0.4115(7) 0.0266(6) 0.29439(18) 0.071(4) Uani 1.0 16 d . C6 C 0.4961(7) -0.0355(8) 0.3146(3) 0.102(6) Uani 1.0 16 d . C7 C 0.1896(6) 0.1824(5) 0.3342(3) 0.067(3) Uani 1.0 16 d . C8 C 0.1368(9) 0.2290(7) 0.3290(3) 0.090(5) Uani 1.0 16 d . C9 C 0.1468(8) 0.3030(8) 0.3424(3) 0.090(5) Uani 1.0 16 d . C10 C 0.0899(10) 0.3442(8) 0.3328(4) 0.115(6) Uani 1.0 16 d . C11 C 0.0906(6) 0.0661(6) 0.32655(18) 0.065(3) Uani 1.0 16 d . C12 C 0.0737(6) -0.0060(7) 0.3242(3) 0.071(3) Uani 1.0 16 d . C13 C 0.0017(7) -0.0272(11) 0.3325(4) 0.125(8) Uani 1.0 16 d . C14A C -0.045(2) 0.0217(19) 0.3223(7) 0.113(11) Uiso 0.5000 16 d . C14B C -0.012(2) -0.027(2) 0.3560(8) 0.120(12) Uiso 0.5000 16 d . C15 C 0.3306(5) 0.0494(5) 0.35791(16) 0.054(3) Uani 1.0 16 d . C16 C 0.3246(6) 0.1106(6) 0.37463(16) 0.061(3) Uani 1.0 16 d . C17 C 0.3885(7) 0.1320(6) 0.3865(2) 0.073(3) Uani 1.0 16 d . C18 C 0.3808(8) 0.1901(7) 0.4036(2) 0.086(4) Uani 1.0 16 d . C19 C 0.1916(6) 0.0070(6) 0.37666(17) 0.066(3) Uani 1.0 16 d . C20 C 0.2257(7) -0.0349(6) 0.39666(17) 0.067(3) Uani 1.0 16 d . C21 C 0.1837(7) -0.0517(8) 0.41872(19) 0.081(4) Uani 1.0 16 d . C22 C 0.1621(13) 0.0016(13) 0.4320(3) 0.163(11) Uani 1.0 16 d . C23 C 0.3355(6) -0.1380(5) 0.34585(17) 0.055(3) Uani 1.0 16 d . C24 C 0.3551(9) -0.2047(6) 0.3364(3) 0.104(6) Uani 1.0 16 d . C25 C 0.3977(7) -0.2442(6) 0.3547(3) 0.078(4) Uani 1.0 16 d . C26 C 0.4214(10) -0.3097(8) 0.3444(4) 0.139(9) Uani 1.0 16 d . C27 C 0.1908(7) -0.1486(7) 0.3249(3) 0.071(3) Uiso 1.0 16 d . C28A C 0.1604(13) -0.1721(13) 0.3501(5) 0.074(6) Uiso 0.5000 16 d . C28B C 0.2048(15) -0.2077(15) 0.3174(6) 0.088(8) Uiso 0.5000 16 d . C29A C 0.107(3) -0.222(3) 0.3538(11) 0.156(18) Uiso 0.5000 16 d . C29B C 0.1416(19) -0.2496(19) 0.3099(7) 0.113(11) Uiso 0.5000 16 d . C30A C 0.078(4) -0.225(4) 0.3295(14) 0.21(3) Uiso 0.5000 16 d . C30B C 0.107(3) -0.255(3) 0.3382(10) 0.127(14) Uiso 0.5000 16 d . C31 C 0.3639(9) -0.1242(6) 0.2686(3) 0.097(6) Uani 1.0 16 d . C32 C 0.3957(14) -0.0967(9) 0.2443(4) 0.160(11) Uani 1.0 16 d . C33 C 0.4546(15) -0.1508(11) 0.2346(5) 0.153(10) Uani 1.0 16 d . C34A C 0.401(3) -0.175(3) 0.2198(11) 0.17(2) Uiso 0.5000 16 d . C34B C 0.486(3) -0.134(3) 0.2170(10) 0.151(17) Uiso 0.5000 16 d . C35 C 0.2207(8) -0.0604(6) 0.26362(19) 0.082(4) Uani 1.0 16 d . C36 C 0.1971(9) -0.1271(6) 0.2532(2) 0.094(5) Uani 1.0 16 d . C37 C 0.1343(9) -0.1242(7) 0.2379(3) 0.092(5) Uani 1.0 16 d . C38 C 0.1187(16) -0.1926(8) 0.2265(3) 0.173(13) Uani 1.0 16 d . C39 C 0.3116(9) 0.0703(7) 0.2201(3) 0.104(6) Uani 1.0 16 d . C40 C 0.2663(8) 0.2020(6) 0.22367(19) 0.078(4) Uani 1.0 16 d . C41 C 0.0542(8) 0.0474(6) 0.2599(2) 0.078(4) Uani 1.0 16 d . C42 C 0.0564(7) 0.1852(6) 0.2692(2) 0.073(4) Uani 1.0 16 d . C43 C 0.1717(9) 0.0996(7) 0.2138(2) 0.090(5) Uani 1.0 16 d . C44 C 0.1124(8) 0.1357(7) 0.22519(19) 0.078(4) Uani 1.0 16 d . H1 H 0.3695 0.2546 0.3124 0.0883 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H2 H 0.4345 0.2138 0.3118 0.0883 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H3 H 0.3948 0.2201 0.3365 0.0883 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H4 H 0.5090 0.0056 0.3218 0.1221 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H5 H 0.5237 -0.0449 0.3007 0.1221 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H6 H 0.5003 -0.0698 0.3266 0.1221 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H7 H 0.1917 0.1761 0.3520 0.0805 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H8 H 0.2308 0.2022 0.3292 0.0805 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H9 H 0.0957 0.2104 0.3346 0.1083 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H10 H 0.1338 0.2350 0.3113 0.1083 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H11 H 0.1452 0.2993 0.3602 0.1078 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H12 H 0.1885 0.3222 0.3377 0.1078 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H13 H 0.0492 0.3243 0.3376 0.1383 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H14 H 0.0921 0.3468 0.3151 0.1383 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H15 H 0.0925 0.3875 0.3397 0.1383 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H16 H 0.0819 0.0794 0.3434 0.0780 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H17 H 0.0610 0.0907 0.3160 0.0780 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H18 H 0.1050 -0.0309 0.3338 0.0855 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H19 H 0.0795 -0.0187 0.3070 0.0855 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H20 H 0.3517 0.0146 0.3671 0.0650 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H21 H 0.3583 0.0599 0.3439 0.0650 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H22 H 0.3076 0.1467 0.3648 0.0726 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H23 H 0.2929 0.1015 0.3876 0.0726 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H24 H 0.4064 0.0954 0.3958 0.0874 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H25 H 0.4196 0.1431 0.3736 0.0874 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H26 H 0.3495 0.1798 0.4162 0.1026 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H27 H 0.3657 0.2273 0.3943 0.1026 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H28 H 0.4223 0.2001 0.4111 0.1026 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H29 H 0.1828 0.0502 0.3834 0.0791 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H30 H 0.1498 -0.0130 0.3726 0.0791 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H31 H 0.2405 -0.0754 0.3891 0.0809 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H32 H 0.2642 -0.0115 0.4024 0.0809 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H33 H 0.1458 -0.0762 0.4131 0.0967 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H34 H 0.2086 -0.0800 0.4296 0.0967 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H35 H 0.1212 0.0166 0.4253 0.1956 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H36 H 0.1940 0.0361 0.4310 0.1956 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H37 H 0.1562 -0.0108 0.4489 0.1956 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H38 H 0.3746 -0.1109 0.3466 0.0655 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H39 H 0.3196 -0.1430 0.3626 0.0655 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H40 H 0.3791 -0.1994 0.3211 0.1247 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H41 H 0.3157 -0.2297 0.3328 0.1247 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H42 H 0.4355 -0.2180 0.3592 0.0936 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H43 H 0.3725 -0.2522 0.3696 0.0936 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H44 H 0.4457 -0.3024 0.3295 0.1665 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H45 H 0.3844 -0.3373 0.3410 0.1665 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H46 H 0.4492 -0.3307 0.3564 0.1665 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H47 H 0.3986 -0.1342 0.2803 0.1169 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H48 H 0.3414 -0.1648 0.2648 0.1169 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H49 H 0.4152 -0.0541 0.2474 0.1923 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H50 H 0.3624 -0.0916 0.2316 0.1923 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H51 H 0.1852 -0.0415 0.2732 0.0982 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H52 H 0.2289 -0.0312 0.2498 0.0982 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H53 H 0.2317 -0.1454 0.2430 0.1128 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H54 H 0.1901 -0.1570 0.2669 0.1128 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H55 H 0.1393 -0.0922 0.2248 0.1107 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H56 H 0.0981 -0.1104 0.2483 0.1107 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H57 H 0.1213 -0.2256 0.2391 0.2075 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H58 H 0.1498 -0.2022 0.2137 0.2075 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H59 H 0.0752 -0.1921 0.2196 0.2075 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H60 H 0.3515 0.0809 0.2286 0.1246 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H61 H 0.3164 0.0804 0.2029 0.1246 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H62 H 0.3024 0.0244 0.2220 0.1246 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H63 H 0.2740 0.2034 0.2062 0.0934 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H64 H 0.3052 0.2155 0.2322 0.0934 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H65 H 0.2308 0.2310 0.2278 0.0934 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H66 H 0.0182 0.0543 0.2488 0.0931 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H67 H 0.0377 0.0420 0.2764 0.0931 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H68 H 0.0778 0.0087 0.2551 0.0931 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H69 H 0.0494 0.1819 0.2867 0.0880 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H70 H 0.0150 0.1830 0.2608 0.0880 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H71 H 0.0774 0.2262 0.2655 0.0880 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H72 H 0.1787 0.1143 0.1970 0.1075 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H73 H 0.1636 0.0527 0.2135 0.1075 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H74 H 0.0723 0.1213 0.2173 0.0938 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R H75 H 0.1169 0.1826 0.2226 0.0938 Uiso 1.0 16 calc R loop_ _atom_site_aniso_label _atom_site_aniso_U_11 _atom_site_aniso_U_22 _atom_site_aniso_U_33 _atom_site_aniso_U_12 _atom_site_aniso_U_13 _atom_site_aniso_U_23 Pt1 0.0908(4) 0.0475(3) 0.0323(2) 0.02496(19) 0.00350(15) 0.00613(13) Ge1 0.0724(7) 0.0516(6) 0.0361(5) 0.0227(5) 0.0064(5) 0.0044(4) Ge2 0.0705(7) 0.0506(6) 0.0311(4) 0.0174(5) 0.0050(4) 0.0047(4) Ge3 0.0839(8) 0.0469(6) 0.0371(5) 0.0207(5) -0.0015(5) 0.0055(4) Ge4 0.1252(11) 0.0460(6) 0.0367(5) 0.0350(6) 0.0109(6) 0.0032(4) P1 0.122(3) 0.0571(16) 0.0367(12) 0.0309(17) 0.0120(15) 0.0096(11) P2 0.097(3) 0.0516(14) 0.0402(12) 0.0193(14) -0.0124(13) 0.0035(10) O1 0.092(6) 0.056(5) 0.049(4) 0.022(4) 0.002(4) 0.016(3) O2 0.082(5) 0.063(5) 0.042(4) 0.020(4) 0.006(4) 0.004(3) O3 0.095(7) 0.070(6) 0.071(5) 0.030(5) 0.017(5) 0.017(5) O4 0.092(6) 0.067(5) 0.079(5) 0.039(5) 0.018(5) 0.026(4) C1 0.110(9) 0.044(5) 0.031(4) 0.026(5) 0.020(5) 0.009(4) C2 0.098(8) 0.047(5) 0.036(5) 0.034(5) 0.017(5) 0.009(4) C3 0.089(8) 0.056(6) 0.043(5) 0.039(6) 0.005(5) 0.009(4) C4 0.096(9) 0.072(8) 0.052(6) -0.001(7) 0.006(6) 0.015(6) C5 0.113(10) 0.061(7) 0.040(5) 0.042(7) 0.026(6) 0.017(5) C6 0.083(9) 0.090(10) 0.132(13) 0.050(8) 0.017(9) 0.044(9) C7 0.066(7) 0.047(6) 0.089(8) 0.022(5) 0.008(6) 0.002(5) C8 0.123(13) 0.083(9) 0.064(8) 0.021(9) 0.002(8) -0.001(7) C9 0.106(11) 0.103(11) 0.060(7) 0.033(9) 0.014(7) 0.014(7) C10 0.149(17) 0.079(10) 0.118(13) 0.032(10) 0.027(12) 0.001(9) C11 0.083(8) 0.069(7) 0.044(5) 0.025(6) -0.000(5) 0.003(5) C12 0.054(6) 0.090(9) 0.069(7) 0.019(6) 0.005(5) 0.022(6) C13 0.055(8) 0.19(2) 0.126(14) 0.012(10) 0.015(8) 0.086(14) C15 0.071(6) 0.054(6) 0.038(5) 0.022(5) 0.004(4) 0.012(4) C16 0.078(7) 0.071(7) 0.032(4) 0.009(6) 0.001(5) 0.007(4) C17 0.097(9) 0.073(8) 0.049(6) 0.004(7) -0.009(6) -0.000(5) C18 0.126(12) 0.079(9) 0.052(6) 0.005(8) -0.013(7) 0.006(6) C19 0.075(7) 0.086(8) 0.037(5) 0.029(6) 0.012(5) 0.012(5) C20 0.094(9) 0.071(7) 0.037(5) 0.017(6) -0.000(5) 0.009(5) C21 0.090(9) 0.115(11) 0.037(5) -0.009(8) 0.004(6) 0.006(6) C22 0.22(3) 0.21(3) 0.061(9) 0.10(2) 0.052(12) 0.040(12) C23 0.078(7) 0.040(5) 0.046(5) 0.011(5) -0.001(5) 0.007(4) C24 0.158(14) 0.059(7) 0.094(9) 0.060(9) -0.071(10) -0.021(7) C25 0.087(9) 0.066(7) 0.081(8) 0.021(6) -0.021(7) -0.008(6) C26 0.164(17) 0.074(10) 0.178(18) 0.062(11) -0.109(15) -0.048(11) C31 0.169(16) 0.055(7) 0.068(7) 0.034(8) 0.054(9) 0.004(6) C32 0.28(3) 0.089(12) 0.109(13) 0.046(15) 0.124(17) 0.006(10) C33 0.21(3) 0.121(16) 0.125(16) -0.023(16) 0.085(18) -0.021(13) C35 0.152(13) 0.051(6) 0.043(6) 0.027(7) -0.008(7) -0.008(5) C36 0.190(16) 0.043(6) 0.049(6) 0.019(8) -0.013(8) -0.004(5) C37 0.158(15) 0.059(7) 0.060(7) -0.006(8) -0.010(8) -0.012(6) C38 0.39(4) 0.048(8) 0.081(11) 0.003(14) -0.043(16) -0.025(7) C39 0.175(16) 0.076(9) 0.060(7) 0.058(10) 0.053(9) 0.029(6) C40 0.114(11) 0.073(8) 0.046(6) 0.034(7) 0.024(6) 0.026(5) C41 0.120(11) 0.056(7) 0.057(6) 0.016(7) -0.022(7) 0.005(5) C42 0.099(10) 0.060(7) 0.060(6) 0.015(6) -0.027(6) 0.009(5) C43 0.158(14) 0.073(8) 0.038(6) 0.026(9) -0.004(7) 0.009(5) C44 0.123(11) 0.067(7) 0.045(6) 0.025(7) -0.009(6) 0.014(5) loop_ _atom_type_symbol _atom_type_description _atom_type_scat_dispersion_real _atom_type_scat_dispersion_imag _atom_type_scat_source C C 0.0033 0.0016 ; International Tables for Crystallography (1992, Vol. C, Tables and ; H H 0.0000 0.0000 ; International Tables for Crystallography (1992, Vol. C, Table ; O O 0.0106 0.0060 ; International Tables for Crystallography (1992, Vol. C, Tables and ; Ge Ge 0.1547 1.8001 ; International Tables for Crystallography (1992, Vol. C, Tables and ; P P 0.1023 0.0942 ; International Tables for Crystallography (1992, Vol. C, Tables and ; Pt Pt -1.7033 8.3905 ; International Tables for Crystallography (1992, Vol. C, Tables and ; loop_ _geom_angle_atom_site_label_1 _geom_angle_atom_site_label_2 _geom_angle_atom_site_label_3 _geom_angle _geom_angle_publ_flag Ge1 Pt1 P1 176.21(9) yes Ge1 Pt1 P2 96.35(8) yes Ge1 Pt1 C1 88.1(3) yes P1 Pt1 P2 84.63(13) yes P1 Pt1 C1 91.2(3) yes P2 Pt1 C1 174.6(3) yes Pt1 Ge1 Ge2 119.80(5) yes Pt1 Ge1 C7 109.3(4) yes Pt1 Ge1 C11 118.3(3) yes Ge2 Ge1 C7 105.7(4) yes Ge2 Ge1 C11 99.6(3) yes C7 Ge1 C11 102.1(5) yes Ge1 Ge2 Ge3 113.81(5) yes Ge1 Ge2 C15 116.1(3) yes Ge1 Ge2 C19 107.2(4) yes Ge3 Ge2 C15 105.3(3) yes Ge3 Ge2 C19 111.3(4) yes C15 Ge2 C19 102.8(4) yes Ge2 Ge3 Ge4 103.90(5) yes Ge2 Ge3 C23 110.8(3) yes Ge2 Ge3 C27 113.8(4) yes Ge4 Ge3 C23 114.2(3) yes Ge4 Ge3 C27 108.2(4) yes C23 Ge3 C27 106.2(5) yes Ge3 Ge4 C2 105.6(3) yes Ge3 Ge4 C31 116.2(4) yes Ge3 Ge4 C35 108.4(4) yes C2 Ge4 C31 108.5(6) yes C2 Ge4 C35 110.9(5) yes C31 Ge4 C35 107.3(6) yes Pt1 P1 C39 119.9(5) yes Pt1 P1 C40 116.7(4) yes Pt1 P1 C43 106.4(5) yes C39 P1 C40 102.5(7) yes C39 P1 C43 106.6(7) yes C40 P1 C43 103.1(6) yes Pt1 P2 C41 116.8(5) yes Pt1 P2 C42 122.6(5) yes Pt1 P2 C44 109.0(5) yes C41 P2 C42 103.3(6) yes C41 P2 C44 102.2(6) yes C42 P2 C44 100.0(6) yes C3 O2 C4 116.6(8) yes C5 O4 C6 114.6(10) yes Pt1 C1 C2 131.1(9) yes Pt1 C1 C3 111.4(7) yes C2 C1 C3 117.5(11) yes Ge4 C2 C1 124.3(9) yes Ge4 C2 C5 115.3(8) yes C1 C2 C5 120.2(10) yes O1 C3 O2 122.6(10) yes O1 C3 C1 125.5(9) yes O2 C3 C1 111.7(8) yes O3 C5 O4 121.5(12) yes O3 C5 C2 127.8(11) yes O4 C5 C2 110.8(10) yes Ge1 C7 C8 116.9(9) yes C7 C8 C9 114.1(12) yes C8 C9 C10 104.8(12) yes Ge1 C11 C12 117.2(8) yes C11 C12 C13 116.6(12) yes C12 C13 C14A 107(2) yes C12 C13 C14B 118(3) yes C14A C13 C14B 103(3) yes Ge2 C15 C16 113.3(7) yes C15 C16 C17 114.3(10) yes C16 C17 C18 113.3(12) yes Ge2 C19 C20 113.9(8) yes C19 C20 C21 115.2(11) yes C20 C21 C22 114.6(15) yes Ge3 C23 C24 116.8(9) yes C23 C24 C25 113.8(11) yes C24 C25 C26 113.7(13) yes Ge3 C27 C28A 117.1(12) yes Ge3 C27 C28B 113.6(16) yes C28A C27 C28B 94.2(18) yes C27 C28A C29A 127(3) yes C27 C28B C29B 113(3) yes C28A C29A C30A 102(5) yes C28A C29A C30B 108(5) yes C30A C29A C30B 42(5) yes C28B C29B C30A 107(4) yes C28B C29B C30B 98(3) yes C30A C29B C30B 33(3) yes C29A C30A C29B 105(5) yes C29A C30A C30B 48(5) yes C29B C30A C30B 70(6) yes C29A C30B C29B 132(5) yes C29A C30B C30A 90(7) yes C29B C30B C30A 77(6) yes Ge4 C31 C32 114.1(11) yes C31 C32 C33 108.5(14) yes C32 C33 C34A 82(3) yes C32 C33 C34B 116(3) yes C34A C33 C34B 94(4) yes C33 C34A C34B 38(3) yes C33 C34B C34A 48(3) yes Ge4 C35 C36 116.2(10) yes C35 C36 C37 115.1(11) yes C36 C37 C38 110.6(15) yes P1 C43 C44 108.3(8) yes P2 C44 C43 109.3(9) yes O2 C4 H1 109.485 no O2 C4 H2 109.494 no O2 C4 H3 109.451 no H1 C4 H2 109.498 no H1 C4 H3 109.457 no H2 C4 H3 109.442 no O4 C6 H4 109.478 no O4 C6 H5 109.458 no O4 C6 H6 109.480 no H4 C6 H5 109.459 no H4 C6 H6 109.489 no H5 C6 H6 109.463 no Ge1 C7 H7 108.084 no Ge1 C7 H8 108.062 no C8 C7 H7 108.092 no C8 C7 H8 108.069 no H7 C7 H8 107.309 no C7 C8 H9 108.732 no C7 C8 H10 108.732 no C9 C8 H9 108.737 no C9 C8 H10 108.738 no H9 C8 H10 107.618 no C8 C9 H11 110.790 no C8 C9 H12 110.789 no C10 C9 H11 110.782 no C10 C9 H12 110.776 no H11 C9 H12 108.870 no C9 C10 H13 109.470 no C9 C10 H14 109.466 no C9 C10 H15 109.464 no H13 C10 H14 109.481 no H13 C10 H15 109.477 no H14 C10 H15 109.468 no Ge1 C11 H16 107.991 no Ge1 C11 H17 107.988 no C12 C11 H16 107.985 no C12 C11 H17 107.997 no H16 C11 H17 107.247 no C11 C12 H18 108.154 no C11 C12 H19 108.153 no C13 C12 H18 108.145 no C13 C12 H19 108.142 no H18 C12 H19 107.314 no Ge2 C15 H20 108.925 no Ge2 C15 H21 108.929 no C16 C15 H20 108.903 no C16 C15 H21 108.918 no H20 C15 H21 107.761 no C15 C16 H22 108.669 no C15 C16 H23 108.687 no C17 C16 H22 108.674 no C17 C16 H23 108.683 no H22 C16 H23 107.621 no C16 C17 H24 108.905 no C16 C17 H25 108.929 no C18 C17 H24 108.925 no C18 C17 H25 108.930 no H24 C17 H25 107.733 no C17 C18 H26 109.477 no C17 C18 H27 109.486 no C17 C18 H28 109.464 no H26 C18 H27 109.457 no H26 C18 H28 109.475 no H27 C18 H28 109.468 no Ge2 C19 H29 108.761 no Ge2 C19 H30 108.797 no C20 C19 H29 108.796 no C20 C19 H30 108.793 no H29 C19 H30 107.667 no C19 C20 H31 108.454 no C19 C20 H32 108.476 no C21 C20 H31 108.477 no C21 C20 H32 108.491 no H31 C20 H32 107.498 no C20 C21 H33 108.639 no C20 C21 H34 108.610 no C22 C21 H33 108.616 no C22 C21 H34 108.619 no H33 C21 H34 107.570 no C21 C22 H35 109.481 no C21 C22 H36 109.475 no C21 C22 H37 109.479 no H35 C22 H36 109.467 no H35 C22 H37 109.464 no H36 C22 H37 109.460 no Ge3 C23 H38 108.070 no Ge3 C23 H39 108.083 no C24 C23 H38 108.077 no C24 C23 H39 108.086 no H38 C23 H39 107.316 no C23 C24 H40 108.801 no C23 C24 H41 108.808 no C25 C24 H40 108.827 no C25 C24 H41 108.811 no H40 C24 H41 107.661 no C24 C25 H42 108.802 no C24 C25 H43 108.813 no C26 C25 H42 108.813 no C26 C25 H43 108.827 no H42 C25 H43 107.678 no C25 C26 H44 109.488 no C25 C26 H45 109.463 no C25 C26 H46 109.435 no H44 C26 H45 109.485 no H44 C26 H46 109.489 no H45 C26 H46 109.467 no Ge4 C31 H47 108.745 no Ge4 C31 H48 108.744 no C32 C31 H47 108.728 no C32 C31 H48 108.721 no H47 C31 H48 107.655 no C31 C32 H49 110.010 no C31 C32 H50 109.996 no C33 C32 H49 109.986 no C33 C32 H50 109.976 no H49 C32 H50 108.360 no Ge4 C35 H51 108.252 no Ge4 C35 H52 108.250 no C36 C35 H51 108.239 no C36 C35 H52 108.216 no H51 C35 H52 107.373 no C35 C36 H53 108.506 no C35 C36 H54 108.474 no C37 C36 H53 108.530 no C37 C36 H54 108.495 no H53 C36 H54 107.507 no C36 C37 H55 109.509 no C36 C37 H56 109.541 no C38 C37 H55 109.508 no C38 C37 H56 109.543 no H55 C37 H56 108.082 no C37 C38 H57 109.454 no C37 C38 H58 109.481 no C37 C38 H59 109.473 no H57 C38 H58 109.467 no H57 C38 H59 109.461 no H58 C38 H59 109.491 no P1 C39 H60 109.482 no P1 C39 H61 109.475 no P1 C39 H62 109.468 no H60 C39 H61 109.464 no H60 C39 H62 109.459 no H61 C39 H62 109.480 no P1 C40 H63 109.454 no P1 C40 H64 109.480 no P1 C40 H65 109.486 no H63 C40 H64 109.462 no H63 C40 H65 109.459 no H64 C40 H65 109.486 no P2 C41 H66 109.481 no P2 C41 H67 109.466 no P2 C41 H68 109.479 no H66 C41 H67 109.451 no H66 C41 H68 109.491 no H67 C41 H68 109.460 no P2 C42 H69 109.481 no P2 C42 H70 109.487 no P2 C42 H71 109.486 no H69 C42 H70 109.437 no H69 C42 H71 109.450 no H70 C42 H71 109.486 no P1 C43 H72 110.036 no P1 C43 H73 110.062 no C44 C43 H72 110.036 no C44 C43 H73 110.040 no H72 C43 H73 108.391 no P2 C44 H74 109.832 no P2 C44 H75 109.805 no C43 C44 H74 109.831 no C43 C44 H75 109.828 no H74 C44 H75 108.271 no loop_ _geom_bond_atom_site_label_1 _geom_bond_atom_site_label_2 _geom_bond_distance _geom_bond_publ_flag Pt1 Ge1 2.4966(11) yes Pt1 P1 2.321(3) yes Pt1 P2 2.310(4) yes Pt1 C1 2.054(13) yes Ge1 Ge2 2.4812(15) yes Ge1 C7 2.026(11) yes Ge1 C11 2.015(12) yes Ge2 Ge3 2.4553(15) yes Ge2 C15 1.994(11) yes Ge2 C19 2.013(10) yes Ge3 Ge4 2.4345(15) yes Ge3 C23 1.990(11) yes Ge3 C27 1.976(13) yes Ge4 C2 2.005(10) yes Ge4 C31 1.997(16) yes Ge4 C35 1.988(15) yes P1 C39 1.808(17) yes P1 C40 1.840(13) yes P1 C43 1.852(16) yes P2 C41 1.813(13) yes P2 C42 1.827(13) yes P2 C44 1.866(11) yes O1 C3 1.215(13) yes O2 C3 1.368(12) yes O2 C4 1.419(15) yes O3 C5 1.224(16) yes O4 C5 1.384(15) yes O4 C6 1.469(17) yes C1 C2 1.364(15) yes C1 C3 1.521(15) yes C2 C5 1.473(19) yes C7 C8 1.464(19) yes C8 C9 1.68(2) yes C9 C10 1.52(3) yes C11 C12 1.517(17) yes C12 C13 1.596(19) yes C13 C14A 1.48(5) yes C13 C14B 1.30(5) yes C15 C16 1.548(14) yes C16 C17 1.518(17) yes C17 C18 1.512(18) yes C19 C20 1.544(16) yes C20 C21 1.510(16) yes C21 C22 1.37(3) yes C23 C24 1.507(16) yes C24 C25 1.54(2) yes C25 C26 1.53(2) yes C27 C28A 1.57(3) yes C27 C28B 1.30(4) yes C28A C29A 1.51(7) yes C28B C29B 1.60(5) yes C29A C30A 1.45(10) yes C29A C30B 1.08(8) yes C29B C30A 1.75(9) yes C29B C30B 1.69(7) yes C30A C30B 0.97(9) yes C31 C32 1.57(3) yes C32 C33 1.71(4) yes C33 C34A 1.44(7) yes C33 C34B 1.21(6) yes C34A C34B 1.94(8) yes C35 C36 1.550(17) yes C36 C37 1.53(3) yes C37 C38 1.56(2) yes C43 C44 1.54(2) yes C4 H1 0.960 no C4 H2 0.960 no C4 H3 0.960 no C6 H4 0.960 no C6 H5 0.960 no C6 H6 0.960 no C7 H7 0.970 no C7 H8 0.970 no C8 H9 0.970 no C8 H10 0.970 no C9 H11 0.970 no C9 H12 0.970 no C10 H13 0.960 no C10 H14 0.960 no C10 H15 0.960 no C11 H16 0.970 no C11 H17 0.970 no C12 H18 0.970 no C12 H19 0.970 no C15 H20 0.970 no C15 H21 0.970 no C16 H22 0.970 no C16 H23 0.970 no C17 H24 0.970 no C17 H25 0.970 no C18 H26 0.960 no C18 H27 0.960 no C18 H28 0.960 no C19 H29 0.970 no C19 H30 0.970 no C20 H31 0.970 no C20 H32 0.970 no C21 H33 0.970 no C21 H34 0.970 no C22 H35 0.960 no C22 H36 0.960 no C22 H37 0.960 no C23 H38 0.970 no C23 H39 0.970 no C24 H40 0.970 no C24 H41 0.970 no C25 H42 0.970 no C25 H43 0.970 no C26 H44 0.960 no C26 H45 0.960 no C26 H46 0.960 no C31 H47 0.970 no C31 H48 0.970 no C32 H49 0.970 no C32 H50 0.970 no C35 H51 0.970 no C35 H52 0.970 no C36 H53 0.970 no C36 H54 0.970 no C37 H55 0.970 no C37 H56 0.970 no C38 H57 0.960 no C38 H58 0.960 no C38 H59 0.960 no C39 H60 0.960 no C39 H61 0.960 no C39 H62 0.960 no C40 H63 0.960 no C40 H64 0.960 no C40 H65 0.960 no C41 H66 0.960 no C41 H67 0.960 no C41 H68 0.960 no C42 H69 0.960 no C42 H70 0.960 no C42 H71 0.960 no C43 H72 0.970 no C43 H73 0.970 no C44 H74 0.970 no C44 H75 0.970 no