#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #$Date: 2015-07-13 04:51:07 +0300 (Mon, 13 Jul 2015) $ #$Revision: 149231 $ #$URL: file:///home/coder/svn-repositories/cod/cif/4/34/37/4343781.cif $ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # This file is available in the Crystallography Open Database (COD), # http://www.crystallography.net/ # # All data on this site have been placed in the public domain by the # contributors. # data_4343781 loop_ _publ_author_name 'Jeannin, Y.P.' 'Martin-Frere, J.' _publ_section_title ; X-ray Study of (H H4)7 (H2 As W18 O60)*(H2 O)16: First Example of a Heteropolyanion Containing Protons and Arsenic(III) ; _journal_name_full 'Inorganic Chemistry' _journal_page_first 3010 _journal_page_last 3014 _journal_volume 18 _journal_year 1979 _chemical_formula_sum 'As H62 N7 O76 W18' _chemical_name_systematic '(N H4)7 (H2 As W18 O60) (H2 O)16' _space_group_IT_number 15 _symmetry_space_group_name_Hall '-C 2yc' _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'C 1 2/c 1' _cell_angle_alpha 90 _cell_angle_beta 96.95 _cell_angle_gamma 90 _cell_formula_units_Z 4 _cell_length_a 21.937 _cell_length_b 14.239 _cell_length_c 22.177 _cell_volume 6876.328 _citation_journal_id_ASTM INOCAJ _cod_data_source_file Jeannin_INOCAJ_1979_872.cif _cod_data_source_block H62As1N7O76W18 _cod_original_cell_volume 6876.329 _cod_chemical_formula_sum_orig 'H62 As1 N7 O76 W18' _cod_database_code 4343781 loop_ _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz x,y,z -x,y,-z+1/2 -x,-y,-z x,-y,z-1/2 x+1/2,y+1/2,z -x+1/2,y+1/2,-z+1/2 -x+1/2,-y+1/2,-z x+1/2,-y+1/2,z-1/2 loop_ _atom_site_label _atom_site_type_symbol _atom_site_fract_x _atom_site_fract_y _atom_site_fract_z _atom_site_occupancy _atom_site_U_iso_or_equiv W1 W+6 0.21414 0.00829 0.9134 1 0.0 O28 O-2 0.3924 0.1508 0.855 1 0.0 O29 O-2 0.2844 0.1398 0.7937 1 0.0 W9 W+6 0.25815 0.26613 0.7732 1 0.0 N3 N-3 0.4964 0.028 0.1132 1 0.0 O22 O-2 0.2913 0.4539 0.8948 1 0.0 As1 As+3 0.27462 0.2358 0.94861 0.5 0.0 W8 W+6 0.33437 0.05262 0.84143 1 0.0 W4 W+6 0.36172 0.44371 0.95277 1 0.0 W3 W+6 0.43494 0.25288 1.01185 1 0.0 O32 O-2 0.5403 0.1532 0.2062 1 0.0 N4 N-3 0.5821 0.3378 0.1646 0.5 0.0 O15 O-2 0.2338 0.2717 0.8758 1 0.0 O8 O-2 0.366 -0.009 0.7853 1 0.0 O13 O-2 0.2928 0.1122 0.9258 1 0.0 O19 O-2 0.3747 -0.0065 0.911 1 0.0 O4 O-2 0.3849 0.5593 0.962 1 0.0 O33 O-2 0.5599 0.5557 0.2882 1 0.0 O34 O-2 0.4869 0.4753 0.111 1 0.0 O37 O-2 0.3964 0.7357 0.1742 1 0.0 O21 O-2 0.466 0.2513 0.935 1 0.0 N2 N-3 0.6591 0.4766 0.2303 1 0.0 O16 O-2 0.2767 -0.0545 0.9685 1 0.0 O36 O-2 0.768 0.3057 0.0627 1 0.0 O6 O-2 0.0627 0.1947 0.8103 1 0.0 W6 W+6 0.1349 0.22386 0.84615 1 0.0 O27 O-2 0.173 0.2277 0.7703 1 0.0 O31 O-2 0.5821 0.3378 0.1646 0.5 0.0 W2 W+6 0.35161 0.02354 0.99202 1 0.0 O35 O-2 0.3453 0.2248 0.4077 1 0.0 O11 O-2 0.3116 0.0757 1.056 1 0.0 O30 O-2 0.34 0.3018 0.8077 1 0.0 O38 O-2 0.4491 0.9119 0.2032 1 0.0 O12 O-2 0.3797 0.2644 1.0727 1 0.0 O10 O-2 0.1865 0.0684 0.9828 1 0.0 O24 O-2 0.1322 0.3596 0.8371 1 0.0 O17 O-2 0.2611 -0.0205 0.8472 1 0.0 O3 O-2 0.5023 0.2389 1.0584 1 0.0 O1 O-2 0.1647 -0.0853 0.9039 1 0.0 W5 W+6 0.20594 0.43001 0.863 1 0.0 O18 O-2 0.4092 0.1229 0.9998 1 0.0 W7 W+6 0.4133 0.2811 0.86069 1 0.0 O14 O-2 0.3536 0.2853 0.9408 1 0.0 N1 N-3 0.6028 0.2691 0.9629 1 0.0 O23 O-2 0.4108 0.4121 0.8873 1 0.0 O5 O-2 0.1817 0.545 0.844 1 0.0 O9 O-2 0.2653 0.2685 0.6975 1 0.0 O25 O-2 0.2368 0.3989 0.7871 1 0.0 O2 O-2 0.3943 -0.0623 1.0317 1 0.0 O26 O-2 0.1684 0.1002 0.8635 1 0.0 O7 O-2 0.4679 0.2881 0.811 1 0.0 O20 O-2 0.4299 0.3853 1.0068 1 0.0