#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #$Date: 2021-12-07 04:51:46 +0200 (Tue, 07 Dec 2021) $ #$Revision: 271155 $ #$URL: file:///home/coder/svn-repositories/cod/cif/7/24/38/7243835.cif $ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # This file is available in the Crystallography Open Database (COD), # http://www.crystallography.net/ # # All data on this site have been placed in the public domain by the # contributors. # data_7243835 loop_ _publ_author_name 'Haneda, Tsuyoshi' 'Matsuno, Shinya' 'Yamamoto, Hisanao' 'Ohtsu, Hiroyoshi' 'Kawano, Masaki' _publ_section_title ; Latency control of chemical reactions in polymerization of epoxy resins using a hydrogen bonding network ; _journal_issue 44 _journal_name_full CrystEngComm _journal_page_first 7717 _journal_page_last 7719 _journal_paper_doi 10.1039/D1CE01163D _journal_volume 23 _journal_year 2021 _chemical_formula_sum 'C44 H89 O8 P2' _chemical_formula_weight 808.120 _chemical_name_common TBPADP _space_group_crystal_system monoclinic _space_group_IT_number 14 _space_group_name_Hall '-P 2yn' _space_group_name_H-M_alt 'P 1 21/n 1' _audit_update_record ; 2021-02-03 deposited with the CCDC. 2021-10-14 downloaded from the CCDC. ; _cell_angle_alpha 90 _cell_angle_beta 113.170(1) _cell_angle_gamma 90 _cell_formula_units_Z 2 _cell_length_a 21.4300(3) _cell_length_b 13.5076(1) _cell_length_c 9.2943(1) _cell_measurement_temperature 300 _cell_volume 2473.40(5) _computing_cell_refinement 'RIETAN-FP (Izumi and Momma, 2007)' _computing_molecular_graphics 'VESTA (Momma and Izumi, 2008)' _computing_structure_refinement 'RIETAN-FP (Izumi and Momma, 2007)' _computing_structure_solution DASH _diffrn_ambient_temperature 300 _diffrn_measurement_device_type IP _diffrn_radiation_type synchrotron _diffrn_radiation_wavelength 0.800000 _diffrn_source 'Synchrotron radiation' _diffrn_source_type 'SPring-8 BL19B2' _exptl_absorpt_coefficient_mu 0.177 _exptl_crystal_density_diffrn 1.0851 _exptl_crystal_density_method 'not measured' _exptl_crystal_description ????? _exptl_crystal_F_000 894.00 _pd_calc_method 'Rietveld Refinement' _pd_instr_location ' ?' _pd_meas_2theta_range_inc 0.0050 _pd_meas_2theta_range_max 35.0000 _pd_meas_2theta_range_min 3.0000 _pd_meas_number_of_points 6401 _pd_meas_scan_method step _pd_proc_2theta_range_inc 0.0050 _pd_proc_2theta_range_max 35.0000 _pd_proc_2theta_range_min 3.0000 _pd_proc_ls_background_function 'Legendre polynomials' _pd_proc_ls_pref_orient_corr ' ?' _pd_proc_ls_profile_function 'split pseudo-Voigt function' _pd_proc_ls_prof_R_factor 0.11422 _pd_proc_ls_prof_wR_expected 0.17980 _pd_proc_ls_prof_wR_factor 0.12856 _pd_spec_mounting ' ?' _pd_spec_mount_mode transmission _pd_spec_shape cylinder _refine_diff_density_max 0.0 _refine_diff_density_min 0.0 _refine_ls_extinction_method none _refine_ls_goodness_of_fit_all 0.7150 _refine_ls_matrix_type full _refine_ls_number_constraints 70 _refine_ls_number_parameters 100 _refine_ls_number_restraints 0 _refine_ls_R_factor_all 0.10497 _refine_ls_R_Fsqd_factor 0.10497 _refine_ls_R_I_factor 0.19512 _refine_ls_shift/su_max 0.0 _refine_ls_weighting_details 1/y~i~ _refine_ls_weighting_scheme sigma _cod_data_source_file d1ce01163d2.cif _cod_data_source_block single_phase _cod_depositor_comments 'Adding full bibliography for 7243835--7243841.cif.' _cod_original_cell_volume 2473.39(5) _cod_original_sg_symbol_Hall '-P 2ybc' _cod_database_code 7243835 loop_ _space_group_symop_id _space_group_symop_operation_xyz 1 x,y,z 2 -x+1/2,y+1/2,-z+1/2 3 -x,-y,-z 4 x+1/2,-y+1/2,z+1/2 loop_ _atom_site_label _atom_site_fract_x _atom_site_fract_y _atom_site_fract_z _atom_site_occupancy _atom_site_symmetry_multiplicity _atom_site_Wyckoff_symbol _atom_site_adp_type _atom_site_U_iso_or_equiv _atom_site_type_symbol C1 0.793(3) 1.012(4) 0.049(5) 1 4 e Uiso 0.073(3) C C2 0.830(2) 0.995(4) -0.050(6) 1 4 e Uiso 0.073(3) C C3 0.708(3) 1.010(3) -0.054(5) 1 4 e Uiso 0.073(3) C C4 0.901(3) 0.997(4) 0.024(6) 1 4 e Uiso 0.073(3) C C5 0.669(2) 0.990(3) 0.056(6) 1 4 e Uiso 0.073(3) C O6 0.939(1) 0.986(2) -0.056(4) 1 4 e Uiso 0.073(3) O O7 0.922(1) 0.979(2) 0.162(4) 1 4 e Uiso 0.073(3) O C8 0.594(3) 0.982(4) -0.031(6) 1 4 e Uiso 0.073(3) C O9 0.566(1) 0.992(2) -0.178(4) 1 4 e Uiso 0.073(3) O O10 0.558(1) 0.996(2) 0.059(4) 1 4 e Uiso 0.073(3) O P11 0.248(1) 0.3099(9) -0.011(2) 1 4 e Uiso 0.079(4) P C12 0.189(3) 0.387(4) 0.001(6) 1 4 e Uiso 0.139(5) C C13 0.272(2) 0.225(4) 0.138(6) 1 4 e Uiso 0.139(5) C C14 0.218(2) 0.232(4) -0.186(6) 1 4 e Uiso 0.139(5) C C15 0.315(3) 0.383(4) 0.002(6) 1 4 e Uiso 0.139(5) C C16 0.121(2) 0.322(4) 0.025(5) 1 4 e Uiso 0.139(5) C C17 0.298(3) 0.262(4) 0.312(6) 1 4 e Uiso 0.139(5) C C18 0.195(2) 0.285(4) -0.349(6) 1 4 e Uiso 0.139(5) C C19 0.385(2) 0.319(4) 0.036(6) 1 4 e Uiso 0.139(5) C C20 0.062(3) 0.368(4) -0.028(6) 1 4 e Uiso 0.139(5) C C21 0.343(2) 0.177(3) 0.420(5) 1 4 e Uiso 0.139(5) C C22 0.178(2) 0.211(3) -0.486(5) 1 4 e Uiso 0.139(5) C C23 0.432(3) 0.369(4) 0.004(6) 1 4 e Uiso 0.139(5) C C24 0.006(2) 0.298(4) -0.007(6) 1 4 e Uiso 0.139(5) C C25 0.378(2) 0.203(3) 0.616(5) 1 4 e Uiso 0.139(5) C C26 0.100(2) 0.145(3) -0.541(5) 1 4 e Uiso 0.139(5) C C27 0.494(2) 0.285(4) 0.001(6) 1 4 e Uiso 0.139(5) C H28 0.80303 0.9509 0.11432 1 4 e Uiso 0.087(3) H H29 0.80278 1.06795 0.10378 1 4 e Uiso 0.087(3) H H30 0.80807 0.94256 -0.12323 1 4 e Uiso 0.087(3) H H31 0.81125 1.05965 -0.12683 1 4 e Uiso 0.087(3) H H32 0.69449 1.06798 -0.10724 1 4 e Uiso 0.087(3) H H33 0.69667 0.95166 -0.12634 1 4 e Uiso 0.087(3) H H34 0.69457 0.93299 0.12035 1 4 e Uiso 0.087(3) H H35 0.68703 1.04925 0.12902 1 4 e Uiso 0.087(3) H H36 1 1 0 0.5 2 a Uiso 0.087(3) H H37 0.20985 0.42804 0.08795 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H38 0.17038 0.426 -0.0963 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H39 0.22857 0.18506 0.12071 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H40 0.30256 0.17517 0.12268 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H41 0.25502 0.18447 -0.18785 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H42 0.1791 0.19683 -0.20364 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H43 0.30557 0.42763 -0.09627 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H44 0.33046 0.4284 0.08836 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H45 0.11742 0.26317 -0.04311 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H46 0.13831 0.30754 0.12726 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H47 0.32605 0.31982 0.3175 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H48 0.26525 0.27022 0.34743 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H49 0.16682 0.34297 -0.378 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H50 0.24114 0.32323 -0.36889 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H51 0.39933 0.28189 0.10937 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H52 0.37054 0.27199 -0.07522 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H53 0.07132 0.43744 0.0281 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H54 0.05075 0.39386 -0.14265 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H55 0.32643 0.1144 0.38467 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H56 0.38936 0.17583 0.38447 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H57 0.14898 0.25322 -0.63008 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H58 0.20326 0.17144 -0.53988 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H59 0.42539 0.41426 -0.0843 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H60 0.4576 0.41585 0.10105 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H61 -0.02636 0.29544 -0.11189 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H62 0.02704 0.2537 0.04589 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H63 -0.01348 0.35032 0.04589 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H64 0.35798 0.25211 0.62516 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H65 0.363 0.13697 0.64797 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H66 0.42561 0.19701 0.64797 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H67 0.08001 0.128 -0.65277 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H68 0.12769 0.07985 -0.49403 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H69 0.08225 0.17079 -0.49403 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H70 0.4954 0.27789 -0.09602 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H71 0.54562 0.32287 0.06286 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H72 0.49915 0.23324 0.06286 1 4 e Uiso 0.167(5) H H73 0.5 1 0 0.5 2 d Uiso 0.167(5) H loop_ _atom_type_symbol _atom_type_description _atom_type_scat_dispersion_real _atom_type_scat_dispersion_imag _atom_type_scat_source C C 0.0013 0.0021 'International Tables for Crystallography, Vol. C' O O 0.0087 0.0080 'International Tables for Crystallography, Vol. C' P P 0.1044 0.1225 'International Tables for Crystallography, Vol. C' H H -0.0006 0.0000 'International Tables for Crystallography, Vol. C'