data_9004621 _chemical_name 'Na6[(UO2)(MoO4)4]' loop_ _publ_author_name 'Krivovichev S V' 'Burns P C' _journal_name_full "The Canadian Mineralogist" _journal_volume 39 _journal_year 2001 _journal_page_first 197 _journal_page_last 206 _publ_section_title ; Crystal chemistry of uranyl molybdates. III. New structural themes in Na6[(UO2)2O(MoO4)4], Na6[(UO2)(MoO4)4] and K6[(UO2)2O(MoO4)4] ; _chemical_formula_sum 'U Mo4 Na6 O18' _cell_length_a 7.0958 _cell_length_b 9.566 _cell_length_c 13.415 _cell_angle_alpha 73.692 _cell_angle_beta 86.621 _cell_angle_gamma 82.940 _cell_volume 867.041 _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P -1' loop_ _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz 'x,y,z' '-x,-y,-z' loop_ _atom_site_label _atom_site_fract_x _atom_site_fract_y _atom_site_fract_z _atom_site_Uiso_or_equiv U 0.07313 0.81676 0.32694 0.01380 Mo(1) 0.52738 0.49016 0.67448 0.01790 Mo(2) 0.23814 0.90941 0.56699 0.01800 Mo(3) -0.34364 0.98742 0.15007 0.01860 Mo(4) -0.07375 0.37198 0.90483 0.02170 Na(1) 0.02390 0.58860 0.61290 0.03380 Na(2) 0.39590 0.24880 0.56160 0.02700 Na(3) -0.20800 0.31760 0.16050 0.03170 Na(4) -0.18780 0.96650 -0.07250 0.03860 Na(5) -0.27300 0.79150 0.72020 0.04030 Na(6) -0.57260 0.34040 0.96820 0.03950 O(1) 0.00250 0.64430 0.40510 0.02200 O(2) 0.11690 0.09190 0.54290 0.02000 O(3) 0.26810 0.84590 0.45370 0.02300 O(4) 0.13500 0.99460 0.25170 0.02300 O(5) -0.24300 0.88130 0.27300 0.02400 O(6) -0.27790 0.39820 0.98010 0.02600 O(7) 0.69180 0.61650 0.62000 0.02800 O(8) -0.08870 0.24490 0.82940 0.03200 O(9) 0.44370 0.51250 0.79430 0.03400 O(10) 0.63050 0.30510 0.68760 0.02600 O(11) 0.11380 0.30690 0.99050 0.03400 O(12) -0.03440 0.54270 0.81640 0.04400 O(13) -0.50860 0.13510 0.15840 0.03800 O(14) 0.33980 0.52120 0.59010 0.03000 O(15) -0.44960 0.87690 0.09190 0.03700 O(16) 0.11330 0.79190 0.66470 0.03200 O(17) -0.15890 0.06260 0.06990 0.03400 O(18) 0.46360 0.90670 0.61010 0.03900