data_9005288 _chemical_name 'Al3Si2O7(OH)3' loop_ _publ_author_name 'Daniels P' 'Wunder B' _journal_name_full "European Journal of Mineralogy" _journal_volume 8 _journal_year 1996 _journal_page_first 1283 _journal_page_last 1292 _publ_section_title ; Al3Si2O7(OH)3, phase Pi (formerly piezotite): Crystal structure of a synthetic high-pressure silicate rediscovered ; _chemical_formula_sum 'Al3 Si2 O10 H3' _cell_length_a 6.0885 _cell_length_b 7.2832 _cell_length_c 7.7234 _cell_angle_alpha 115.71 _cell_angle_beta 88.85 _cell_angle_gamma 92.89 _cell_volume 308.186 _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P 1' loop_ _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz 'x,y,z' loop_ _atom_site_label _atom_site_fract_x _atom_site_fract_y _atom_site_fract_z _atom_site_Uiso_or_equiv Al1 -0.28410 0.25270 -0.00760 0.00500 Al2 0.28410 -0.25270 0.00760 0.00500 Al3 -0.35440 0.35030 0.39510 0.00400 Al4 0.34940 -0.34770 -0.39280 0.00400 Al5 0.14450 -0.15110 0.39320 0.00390 Al6 -0.15010 0.15090 -0.39890 0.00390 Si1 0.36270 0.27540 -0.29230 0.00340 Si2 -0.36830 -0.27370 0.28720 0.00340 Si3 -0.14450 -0.22620 -0.29600 0.00350 Si4 0.13580 0.21800 0.29240 0.00350 O1 -0.30400 0.48840 0.23060 0.00450 O2 0.28780 -0.49330 -0.22670 0.00450 O3 0.20030 -0.01410 0.23110 0.00380 O4 -0.22180 0.00620 -0.23340 0.00380 O5 -0.37390 0.13990 0.15350 0.00400 O6 0.34780 -0.13530 -0.15180 0.00400 O7 0.12680 -0.36030 0.14960 0.00450 O8 -0.15130 0.36420 -0.15370 0.00450 O9 0.42960 0.23880 -0.10470 0.00500 O10 -0.43870 -0.25810 0.09480 0.00500 O11 -0.07970 -0.24460 -0.09620 0.00510 O12 0.05590 0.24240 0.09990 0.00510 O13 -0.43400 0.20710 -0.44800 0.00280 O14 0.41950 -0.22760 0.43320 0.00280 O15 0.06490 -0.28670 -0.43550 0.00430 O16 -0.07830 0.27810 0.43820 0.00430 O17 0.33540 0.38580 0.40060 0.00380 O18 -0.34740 -0.39320 -0.39430 0.00380 O19 -0.16340 -0.11360 0.40130 0.00350 O20 0.15450 0.11050 -0.39120 0.00350 H1 0.48300 0.08810 0.17960 ? H2 -0.50520 -0.08700 -0.17970 ? H3 -0.01450 -0.40990 0.17620 ? H4 -0.00640 0.41120 -0.17780 ? H5 -0.20200 -0.24920 -0.03110 ? H6 0.18210 0.24120 0.03080 ?