data_9009596 _chemical_name 'Strunzite' loop_ _publ_author_name 'Fanfani L' 'Tomassini M' 'Zanazzi P F' 'Zanzari A R' _journal_name_full "Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen" _journal_volume 25 _journal_year 1978 _journal_page_first 77 _journal_page_last 87 _publ_section_title ; The crystal structure of strunzite, a contribution to the crystal chemistry of basic ferric-manganous hydrated phosphates Locality: Big Chief mine, Glendale, South Dakota ; _chemical_formula_sum 'Mn Fe2 P2 O16 H14' _cell_length_a 10.228 _cell_length_b 9.837 _cell_length_c 7.284 _cell_angle_alpha 90.17 _cell_angle_beta 98.44 _cell_angle_gamma 117.44 _cell_volume 641.284 _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P -1' loop_ _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz 'x,y,z' '-x,-y,-z' loop_ _atom_site_label _atom_site_fract_x _atom_site_fract_y _atom_site_fract_z _atom_site_Uiso_or_equiv Mn 0.50370 0.33380 0.24450 0.01178 Fe1 -0.03070 0.24350 0.13730 0.01241 Fe2 0.02600 -0.22900 0.36300 0.01317 P1 -0.18640 0.46640 0.06070 0.01051 P2 0.19170 0.15310 0.43420 0.00849 O1 -0.34810 0.42560 0.06670 0.03166 O2 -0.17580 0.31910 0.03120 0.01900 O3 -0.08530 -0.44450 0.24580 0.01393 O4 -0.14070 -0.43160 -0.10440 0.01900 O5 0.10000 0.15080 0.24540 0.01393 O6 0.15080 -0.01330 0.47830 0.01520 O7 0.35490 0.24300 0.42510 0.02660 O8 0.16060 0.22890 0.59450 0.01520 O-H1 -0.04080 0.30840 0.39260 0.01393 O-H2 0.03470 -0.15240 0.11150 0.01773 Wat1 0.31380 0.25110 0.00970 0.01773 Wat2 0.31220 -0.43510 0.51710 0.02280 Wat3 0.48930 -0.45200 0.25800 0.02406 Wat4 -0.47630 0.12300 0.19250 0.06713 Wat5 0.22890 -0.23060 0.33380 0.01773 Wat6 -0.22410 0.03870 0.16770 0.01773