#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #$Date$ #$Revision$ #$URL$ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # This file is available in the Crystallography Open Database (COD), # http://www.crystallography.net/. The original data for this entry # were provided the American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database, # http://rruff.geo.arizona.edu/AMS/amcsd.php # # The file may be used within the scientific community so long as # proper attribution is given to the journal article from which the # data were obtained. # data_9011162 loop_ _publ_author_name 'Ghose, S.' 'Wan, C.' 'Ulbrich, H. H.' _publ_section_title ; Structural chemistry of borosilicates. I. Garrelsite, NaBa3Si2B7O16(OH)4, a silicoborate with the pentaborate [B5O12]9- polyanion Locality: South Ouray, Utah ; _journal_name_full 'Acta Crystallographica, Section B' _journal_page_first 824 _journal_page_last 832 _journal_volume 32 _journal_year 1976 _chemical_formula_sum 'B7 Ba3 H4 Na O20 Si2' _chemical_name_mineral Garrelsite _space_group_IT_number 15 _symmetry_space_group_name_Hall '-C 2yc' _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'C 1 2/c 1' _cell_angle_alpha 90 _cell_angle_beta 114.21 _cell_angle_gamma 90 _cell_length_a 14.639 _cell_length_b 8.466 _cell_length_c 13.438 _cell_volume 1518.946 _[local]_cod_data_source_file 08828.cif _[local]_cod_data_source_block global _[local]_cod_chemical_formula_sum_orig 'Na Ba3 Si2 B7 O20 H4' loop_ _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz x,y,z 1/2+x,1/2+y,z x,-y,1/2+z 1/2+x,1/2-y,1/2+z -x,y,1/2-z 1/2-x,1/2+y,1/2-z -x,-y,-z 1/2-x,1/2-y,-z loop_ _atom_site_label _atom_site_fract_x _atom_site_fract_y _atom_site_fract_z _atom_site_U_iso_or_equiv Na 0.25000 -0.25000 0.50000 0.01475 Ba1 0.00000 0.59316 0.25000 0.00864 Ba2 0.20878 0.06623 0.69714 0.00764 Si 0.36481 0.10344 0.49211 0.00510 B1 0.44136 -0.18705 0.46699 0.00627 B2 0.15777 0.15868 0.38052 0.00579 B3 0.08095 -0.05896 0.44539 0.00705 B4 0.00000 0.01509 0.25000 0.00600 O1 0.04806 0.31989 0.53726 0.00798 O2 0.38512 -0.08553 0.51380 0.00764 O3 0.09432 -0.14939 0.53367 0.00769 O4 0.01130 -0.09158 0.34249 0.00773 O5 0.35920 0.17100 0.60324 0.00754 O6 0.14845 0.06169 0.46626 0.00797 O7 0.23914 0.36016 0.61444 0.00708 O8 0.09008 0.10786 0.27316 0.00660 O-H1 0.18539 -0.30397 0.31420 0.00675 O-H2 0.41549 -0.13809 0.35321 0.00825 loop_ _atom_site_aniso_label _atom_site_aniso_U_11 _atom_site_aniso_U_22 _atom_site_aniso_U_33 _atom_site_aniso_U_12 _atom_site_aniso_U_13 _atom_site_aniso_U_23 Na 0.01030 0.01899 0.01484 -0.00298 0.00497 -0.00095 Ba1 0.00722 0.00817 0.00921 0.00000 0.00207 0.00000 Ba2 0.00885 0.00694 0.00761 -0.00115 0.00390 -0.00032 B1 0.00668 0.00548 0.00731 -0.00029 0.00356 -0.00058 B2 0.00578 0.00621 0.00556 -0.00017 0.00249 0.00100 B3 0.00605 0.00679 0.00845 -0.00011 0.00307 -0.00021 O1 0.00452 0.01009 0.00906 -0.00137 0.00240 0.00142 O2 0.00957 0.00497 0.01050 0.00143 0.00647 0.00068 O3 0.01084 0.00508 0.00571 -0.00269 0.00191 0.00047 O4 0.00822 0.00643 0.00715 -0.00206 0.00174 0.00100 O5 0.00975 0.00566 0.00822 0.00011 0.00473 -0.00116 O6 0.00939 0.00828 0.00616 -0.00424 0.00315 0.00011 O7 0.00397 0.01024 0.00654 0.00092 0.00166 0.00053 O8 0.00479 0.00784 0.00654 -0.00252 0.00158 -0.00063 OH1 0.00551 0.00875 0.00624 -0.00040 0.00265 0.00147 OH2 0.01084 0.00777 0.00639 0.00069 0.00381 0.00116