#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #$Date: 2013-05-09 16:53:25 +0300 (Thu, 09 May 2013) $ #$Revision: 86000 $ #$URL: file:///home/coder/svn-repositories/cod/cif/9/01/41/9014103.cif $ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # This file is available in the Crystallography Open Database (COD), # http://www.crystallography.net/. The original data for this entry # were provided the American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database, # http://rruff.geo.arizona.edu/AMS/amcsd.php # # The file may be used within the scientific community so long as # proper attribution is given to the journal article from which the # data were obtained. # data_9014103 loop_ _publ_author_name 'Johnston, K. E.' 'Tang, C. C.' 'Parker, J. E.' 'Knight, K. S.' 'Lightfoot, P.' 'Ashbrook, S. E.' _publ_section_title ; The polar phase of NaNbO3: a combined study by powder diffraction, solid-state NMR and first-principles calculations Note: this is a polymorph of lueshite ; _journal_name_full 'Journal of the American Chemical Society' _journal_page_first 8732 _journal_page_last 8746 _journal_volume 132 _journal_year 2010 _chemical_compound_source Synthetic _chemical_formula_sum 'Na Nb O3' _chemical_name_mineral Lueshite _space_group_IT_number 26 _symmetry_space_group_name_Hall 'P -2a 2a' _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P 21 m a' _cell_angle_alpha 90 _cell_angle_beta 90 _cell_angle_gamma 90 _cell_length_a 5.571 _cell_length_b 7.766 _cell_length_c 5.513 _cell_volume 238.517 _database_code_amcsd 0018685 _exptl_crystal_density_diffrn 4.564 _[local]_cod_chemical_formula_sum_orig 'Nb Na O3' _cod_database_code 9014103 loop_ _space_group_symop_operation_xyz x,y,z 1/2+x,y,-z x,-y,z 1/2+x,-y,-z loop_ _atom_site_label _atom_site_fract_x _atom_site_fract_y _atom_site_fract_z _atom_site_U_iso_or_equiv Nb 0.26250 0.25000 0.24660 0.00200 Na 0.25960 0.00000 0.74810 0.00500 Na 0.29150 0.50000 0.73270 0.02240 O1 0.24090 0.00000 0.31240 0.00530 O2 0.22570 0.50000 0.19280 0.00370 O3 0.01310 0.27900 0.52720 0.01840 O4 -0.04900 0.21970 0.03600 0.00610